Is anyone alive

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You two stood there, surrounded by bodies, body parts, organs, blood, hair, teeth... everything that you would see on a body was lying there spread over a vast area of open space.

Ayato looked at you, "Fuck, Y/N, this is... this is..."

You mouthed, "Home"

"Wha...what, there's no way that...that this is..." Ayato started saying but then he remembered Kaneki telling him where you came from and what you had been through.

Suddenly you two heard screaming, and saw Touka running towards you two.

"Touka what's happening"

She landed in his arms gathering her breath.

"There were too many, we kept fighting and fighting but they just kept coming. Most of your team and Ken's team is dead. It's just me, Nishiki, Sun, and Kaneki left down here. Did you see Hinami and Tsukiyama? Is his team coming?"

"No, Hinami said they left, they must have gotten scared off those little bitches I swear I'll kill that man."

"And Hinami?"

"She's fine, she has a wound that doesn't allow her to move very well but that's all"

"Ok good, now why is she here? She's a human Ayato, do you realize..."

"Of course I do!" Ayato yelled cutting her off.

"Shit happened and I had to bring her with me to protect her."

"Well, we all need to leave, Kaneki is going crazy, and he's the one who did most of this damage"

"Fuck, he's something else when he goes crazy, wait what about Devin and Kimi?"

"We haven't found them, we think they moved them, we also haven't seen the main guy Jason, it really feels like this had to be a set up."

"But for what? Just to kill us?"

"I have no idea yet, but..." just then a huge crash sounded.

You all looked in the direction it came from and saw Kaneki throwing around a ghoul like nothing.

"Hahaha, that last guy was too easy!" He said as he went to rip his arms off his already dead body.

"More, more, more!" Kaneki started yelling.

"Fuck that was the last one. I was trying to get us out before he finished them all off."

"Where the fuck and Sun and Nishiki then?"

"We went searching for them while Kaneki was busy killing. We ended up getting separated but we had already agreed to meet back here if we didn't find them. It's been a while since then, so there's a chance they found them, or..."

Your eyes widened.

"I'm sure they just found them Y/N" Ayato said trying to calm you down.

"Don't do that, don't baby her, she's a big fucking girl, there's a chance they are dead right now. The choice becomes do we wait and see if they found them and possibly die ourselves, or leave, saving ourselves, but this leaves them behind to fend for themselves and most likely die."

Ayato looked at you and shook his head in agreement.

"We wait for them"

Touka rolled her eyes, "fuck not you too..."

"So you're gonna follow what this bitch wants?"

"Touka stop, this isn't the time!" Ayato yelled at her.

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