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Kaneki crashed his way inside, the first ghoul he got his hands on he killed and ate immediately.

The group of ghouls all collectively thought, "Fuck it's Kaneki."

They fled, but Kaneki was ramped up with adrenaline he went crazy killing every ghoul in sight and eating parts of them.

Everyone else simply followed along as Kaneki took everyone out with ease. It took about ten minutes when they got to the underground door.

"Fuck Kaneki you good? You killed everyone on the way here."

Kaneki wiped his mouth clean. "I'm good that took up about 10% of my actual power right now."

Ayato's mouth hung open.

"Are you fucking serious?" Sun said.

"I know I'm so weak! That's why I had you save your stamina, this is where I will really need the help."

"That's not what any of us were thinking at all! He's so strong!" Ayato thought.

Everyone shook their head.

They headed into the darkness once again, running quickly towards the light.


When Jason took you, you arrived back at the hideout in a matter of seconds. He forced you awake after a minute of being there.

You felt coldness envelope your body and it shook you awake. Fluttering your eyes open you saw Jason before you, holding an empty bucket.

"Wh-where am I?" You stuttered out.

"My lair, you were here before, little did you know you'd be back so soon." He said smiling.

"Wh-what are you..gonna do with me?"

"Sadly nothing my precious human, your daddy wants you nice and alive, "no scratches if possible" is what he said to me, but he didn't tell me how beautiful you were, hmph to think a human like you would arouse me...such a powerful ghoul...must mean you are yet to become my little play thing..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh nothing, nothing" he said licking his lips.

He went towards you and began fondling you, "mmm, yes I can't wait until I ravage this body as equals. Mmm, yes, yes..." he said as he continued to lick his lips.

You couldn't move, not one inch the way he had you tied up. All you thought about was..."Kaneki...Kaneki...Kaneki..." as tears fell quietly from your eyes.

This went on for a few minutes it seemed like once he started this he couldn't stop himself.

"Mmm, you know what how about I just sample beforehand, that way I can compare now to later." He said as he began to rip your shirt open.

You yelled out..."Kaneki!!!" at the top of your lungs.

Jason laughed, "my dear, you'll be gone before he finds you, now shut up they'll be here soon and I'm all riled up see." He pushed your head down to see his huge erection. It was abnormally large, there was no way it would fit anywhere inside you, but you knew that didn't matter, he'd make it fit.

"Fuck, no, no, no...I can't....I can't..." you said closing your eyes.

"Here he comes" Jason said as both hands gripped the back of your head.

You felt the pressure of his hands begin to push you forward, he was going to force his way in no matter what. But then all of a sudden the pressure stopped, you opened your eyes and to your surprise you see....

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