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It was now the day of the mission, set name "Mission eliminate SSS-R" or "Mission eliminate Triple S-R"

Haise had been anxious for the past few days anticipating the fight with you. He was unable to sleep well and his appetite was unusually low. All he could think about was you, you consumed his thoughts entirely. He would begin to think about fighting you but each time he did, his mind would wander back to other thoughts about you and each time he would have to snap himself out of those thoughts and focus again on killing you.

"Why do I keep thinking about her romantically...She's the enemy I shouldn't be...but" he was saying to himself as he was meticulously picking out his clothes for the mission. He was interrupted when he heard a knock at the door, it was Uni.

"Captain Haise, are you sure we can't come along with you? We feel bad that you are doing this alone."

Haise smiled, just then Mako passed by Haise's open door. "You not we.." he commented as he passed by.

"Uhh shove it Mako!" Uni yelled out at him.

"Sorry captain" Uni said closing his door a bit. "I feel bad that you have to do this alone."

"Thank you Uni, but I won't be alone I'll be with the other Special Class..."

"That's not the same!" She yelled out. "Sorry Captain, but I just mean you know I won't be there to watch your back this time and...I'm worried."

"Thank you Uni for your concern, I appreciate it, but I can't take you with me, it's too dangerous and I would never forgive myself if something happened to you."

"Really?" She asked excited.

"Of course, I would be heartbroken if something bad happened to any member of my squad." He said turning to continue picking his clothes.

"Oh...I see..." she said aloud. "Ask! Ask!" She said to herself.

"C-captain can I ask you a random question?"


"Do you l-like anyone?"

"Yes of course, I like you, Mako, Jin, Alpha, Roc..." he began to say but Uni cut him off.

"No, no, I mean do you like-like anyone like r-romantically."

"O-Oh, hmm, umm I mean..." he didn't know what to say, as soon as she brought that word up you popped into his head right away. "No, I don't honestly"

"D-do you want too f-find someone? You know like g-get married and s-stuff?"

He paused thinking about that for a second, "why am I picturing myself with her..."he thought to himself.

"Mmm, I actually would like that one day. In this life I've had, I've always been alone, never finding that person who truly loved me and I mean the kind of love that can withstand anything and everything thrown at us. One day..." he said as he stared off again thinking about you.

Uni was captivated by what he was saying, she wished he loved her the way he spoke about it.

"T-that sounds nice Captain, I...I hope you find that one day..." she said.

He snapped out of his thoughts, "Thanks Uni, I hope you do as well. Now, I really need to focus I'll come see you off before I leave."

"Ok Captain" she said exiting his room. She stood there leaned against his door thinking of all the things she didn't say.

"Just give up already." Mako said.

"Leave me alone...why do you hate me so much..." she said running off to her room.

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