1 + 1 = 3

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You two took over the helicopter and ordered the pilot to drive faster towards the secret location Misaki mentioned... Arriving within a few minutes, you two fought your way in, you led the way since you still had his scent lingering on you. You two arrived to the room he was being kept in. You ripped the door off its hinges, running into to see him you were happily put at ease when you saw him lying there in his crib fast asleep. Kaneki waited a few feet behind you, watching as you leaned over picking him up. He was now almost a year old, and quite tall and strong for his age. You gently pulled him up into your arms, and swayed back and forth keeping him sleeping peacefully. You turned to bring him over to Kaneki, his eyes fell to the little person in your arms and tears instantly filled his eyes. As you got closer he was able to see the little baby's features now.

He had snow white hair, and a big freckle below his right eye just like you. He looked just like both of you, he was a handsome baby boy and Kaneki fell instantly in love with him and you all over again.

"There's more coming...I'll protect you two as much as possible." Kaneki said.

You agreed, letting your kagune come out, spreading it wide and long wrapping up Rin close to you keeping him safely hidden inside.

"Perfect let's do this" Kaneki said leading the way back out.

After a few hundred meters you began to encounter ghouls again. Kaneki would kill anyone who came your way, not allowing anyone or thing to get through to you and the baby. After a few minutes of this, a few ghouls started slipping through, but you were able to take them out with ease. Following along, you two were half way towards the exit when the new head leaders of the Jason gang came out, surrounding you two.

"You are not allowed to leave with that" the head guy said.

That angered you, quickly taking a step forward you pulled your arm back ready to punch this guy in the face but Kaneki stopped you.

He stepped in front of you, letting him think he was merely talking you down.

"That's right! Listen to your master, stand down you stupid bitch. Ha, you ain't shit anyways, you probably wouldn't even be able to land one..."

"Get him" Kaneki whispered as you transferred Rin discretely into Kaneki's kagune. You took off lightning fast before that cocky bastard could finish his sentence and landed a bone crushing punch on him.

You landed back in front of him alongside Kaneki, you were so quick no one even noticed you left that spot.

"...punch" he finished saying and then he felt the effects of your attack. He yelled out in pain as he felt his cheek bones shatter, he healed in a few seconds.

"Damn, he heals quick...but I heal quicker..." you said to yourself.

"She's quicker..."  Kaneki thought to himself.

"What the fuck was that?!" He yelled out furious. "Whoever just did that step forward right now! I'm going to fucking murder you by paralyzing you and letting you watch me eat you bit by bit, until you die from..." he was saying when you stepped forward.

"You're telling me that you were the one to punch me?"


"Prove ..."before he finished his sentence you sped off again and shattered his other cheek bone this time. Landing back in the same spot this time going a bit slower so that he could see that is was in fact you.

"Fuck, it really was you...M-Misaki didn't say anything about you being this powerful. No matter, I think with a little physical punishment you should become submissive, something Misaki could never accomplish because his balls were..." before his sentence was finished you ran by and had your bikaku rip his heart out.

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