How to catch a ghoul

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"Ok so what's the game plan here, do we know any more information on the Jason copycat gang?"

"I think we are very close on finding their hideout. After that all we need to do is bust in there and search the place for them." Ayato said.

"Hmm ok I'll do some research..." Kaneki began to say but was interrupted when you gently tugged on his arm. You gave him a look and he nodded yes in response to you, correcting his wording he said;

"Sorry, WE will do some research, give us two days and we will regroup around this time Thursday."

"Thank you niisan and Y/N-san I appreciate your help."

You shook your head yes and Kaneki patted Hinami's head.

Kaneki walked them to the door and you stayed behind, Hinami looked back at you one more time and smiled and you forced a smile back to her. Ayato looked back at you, he wanted to get one last glimpse of you before he left. Your eyes met, and he stayed frozen, after a few seconds you broke the eye contact and looked away.

"I wonder why he stares at me, I don't think he likes me very much. I wonder what his life's like, is it better than mine." You thought.

"You ok Ayato?" Kaneki asked as he noticed him staring at you.

"Ugh what? Y-yeah I'm good, I'll uhh, I'll see you later" he said stuttering for words.

"How unlike him, Ayato is never at a loss for words. Why was he staring so hard at Y/N?" Ken thought to himself as he looked back at you closing the door.

"She's fucking beautiful that's why."

"You ready to start researching?"

You shook your head yes, as you headed towards him with a smile on your face.

Before you knew it Thursday came and they were right on time. You heard the knock at the door and were surprised with it was Ayato alone.

"Sorry, it's just me today, Hinami felt too sad to come, she misses her friend and is really worried for him"

You gave an understanding look on your face and stepped aside to let him in. He went straight to the kitchen. You hurried past him to put a pot of coffee on, cutting in front of him last minute though Ayato went off balance and bumped into you. You paid it no attention, you just continued to turn the stove on and setting the pot on top. Ayato however was completely engulfed in you. His body grazed yours, his nose came diving into your hair, all he could smell was pretty. Then his arms flung forward and he caught himself on the counter in front of you two. He had you pinned there, his body pressed entirely into your backside now, you could feel his heart beating rapidly on your back and your eyes widened. You gasped and turned around quickly. Ayato's arms were still pinning you against the counter. You two looked up and your fearful, scared eyes met his dim, sad eyes. His canceled your feeling out, you automatically felt sympathy for this man and weren't as intimidated by him anymore. He noticed your eyes change from fearful to sweet, he knew that look, it was a look you gave to only Kaneki.

"I earned that look, ha fuck...she's quite the human, she's got me wanting to earn her approval" he thought.

He looked away and down at the floor moving away from you but still keeping you pinned. "I'm sorry" he said quietly.

You moved your hands to grab his face gently and motion him to look up at you again. This time Ayato brought his face extremely close to yours, he was pouring out his sexuality, hunched down closer to your face, he breathed out deeply staring directly at your lips. Your eyes grew a bit fearful causing his gaze to shift from your lips to your eyes.

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