Separated at birth

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One month passes. **

When Kaneki finally woke up, he was in his room in Tokyo. He hazily sat up in bed, confused as to what just happened. He looked at his left hand, there was no ring there, he looked around his room and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Everything was exactly the same as he left it, "Hmm, strange...what a dream I had...damn it felt so real...she...she..."he thought to himself when a woman barged into his room.

"Captain Haise! Captain Haise! There's been an urgent call from the CCG; they summoned the Quinx Squad immediately!"

"O-oh, thank you sorry what was your name again?"

"Captain, are you ok? You've known me for two years now, it's me Uni."

He held his head as he tried to remember, some memories suddenly surfaced of this woman being on his squad. He remembered fighting alongside her, saving her, eating with her and everyone else.

"R-right, sorry Uni, I had such a crazy dream I think it messed my head up a bit. I'm good now, I'll get ready right away and then we will all leave."

"Mmm, just so you know, Mako already left, he said "screw the captain he can keep sleeping I'm going."

"Well that sounds like Mako"

"Yes, but the rest of us will wait for you captain."

He shook his head in agreement and quickly got up and began to get ready. As he did, he could not get you out of his head, he kept replaying the moments he had with you. Unfortunately, he could not remember your face no matter how hard he tried too, but he knew whoever this mystery girl was, she was beautiful and you two loved one another deeply. "Fuck, what an amazing dream... I wish she were real...I'd give anything to be that happy..."

After he was ready he deployed with the new and improved Quinx squad that he was in charge of. Once on the scene, they were able to defeat the enemy rather easily, only one of them managed to get minor injuries.

"Success as always Haise, your new squad here is much better than the last one."

"Thank you sir, I have tried to make the best squad I can."

"Well is shows Haise, good work. Don't forget to stop by headquarters after this, we need your help on this new SSS ranked ghoul, I hear she's really something."

"She?" Haise asked.

"Oh yes, the ghoul is female..."

"What's her name...?" Haise asked but was interrupted; everyone now needed the director's attention.

"Sorry, I must go, meet me at headquarters!" the director said while being dragged off for the press.

"Hmm, I wonder who this new SSS ranked female is..."

About an hour, later Haise arrived at headquarters and was ushered in along with all the other special class investigators. Everyone sat there talking waiting for the director to arrive, everyone was speculating just how powerful this new ghoul was and where she came from.

Finally, twenty minutes later the director arrived. Everyone stood for him, but he quickly motioned everyone to take their seats. "Everyone listen up and listen up good. I have just received word that we have now classified this new ghoul as rank SSS+R, meaning she requires double digit special class investigators to attempt to take her out. This is also the first lone ghoul to reach this rank she has no followers, gangs, or accomplices that we know of."

"And yet she requires double digit special class investigators?" a smug investigator asked the director, this question causing a few other investigators to laugh at this comment in agreement.

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