Saving humans

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After walking along the dark tunnel for a few feet, the light started to get brighter and brighter. Upon entering the huge open room, the first thing that caught everyone's eyes were the body parts that were spread everywhere, and blood...So much blood...

"What the fuck is this?" Touka said.

"I don't know, this looks way more fucked up then I thought it was, this is just cruel" Nishiki said.

"What if Devin ended up like this...what...what can we do?!" Hinami said starting to cry.

"Dammit, we shouldn't have had her come Ken" Touka said.

"Fuck I know, I wasn't expecting this, Luther can you please take Hinami back up, she should not be seeing this."

"You got it, I'll be back after I drop her off with Shuu"

Luther walked her back up and out of this area, while the others continued to move forward. The more they proceeded forward the more gruesome things got.

"Ken, I don't like this, this is creepy, the blood here it''s..."

"I know, it's not just human blood but ghoul blood too...I don't know what the fuck they are doing, but we just need to hurry up, find them and leave. I need to get back to...never mind." Kaneki

"I hope she's ok, I'm so worried about her now, and this gang was not what we expected. Whatever they are doing here is bad...very bad" Kaneki said to himself.

His thoughts were getting mixed in with concentrating on the mission, so when an enemy ghoul attacked Kaneki, he didn't even try and block it. He was sent flying across the room, ramming his head into just the right spot on a steal beam he was knocked out.

"Fuck Kaneki!" Touka yelled out, but she was stopped by ghouls coming to attack everyone now.

Suddenly, dozens upon dozens of ghouls surrounded them. Sun did a quick scan, counting as fast as he could.

"Ok team, there are seven of us and from what I counted probably around fifty to sixty of them. Stay together, fight, and whoever gets a free chance go over and bring Kaneki back in the middle of us."

Everyone agreed, and the fighting began. One after another, they just kept attacking, it seemed as though these enemy ghouls were never ending. Eventually Sun was able to fight off enough in the section he was in, so he flew his way over to Kaneki and dragged him in the middle of everyone.

"Kaneki! Kaneki! Wake up we need you!" Sun yelled out to him.

Kaneki had fallen into a dream like state again, his past trauma was seeping into his subconscious again causing his frenzy state to activate again.

"Kaneki!!! Please we...we need you...." Sun yelled out, but he was too busy fighting off ghouls trying to keep them away from Kaneki.


You and Ayato were starting to lose hope, you had been in close to thirty rooms they had down there and nothing. The deeper in you two went, the worse Ayato started feeling "Y/N wait, something doesn't feel right" Ayato said as he held you back.

You waited patiently behind him as he slowly opened the door. As soon as he did, around a dozen ghoul's looked up towards him. They quickly began running towards him, Ayato pushed you back and flew inside, slamming the door shut after him.

You ran to the door and went to open it, but stopped thinking, "Why bother, even if I went in all I would do is slow him down or cause him more trouble...That's all I do to people, fuck please be ok Ayato..." you said to yourself as you waited right on the other side of the door. You listened intensely trying to hear if Ayato was doing ok, all you could hear was blood curdling yelling and things being thrown all over the place.

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