Chapter 2- That boy at the coffee shop

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As the short day of college ended I made my way back to my dorm. In my way I passed a small coffee shop and for some reason I was drawn to it. I pushed open the door and made my way to the counter.

I looked up at the menu and someone behind the counter said "welcome to My Cup of Joe, how may I help you?" His voice formed goose bumps on my skin.

I looked down only to find myself face to face with the most beautiful man on earth. He had his blonde hair in a perfect quiff, his eyes were the perfect shade of blue, his lips were so pink and I wanted to just capture his lips in a kiss and never let go. My gaze moved down to his abdomen and then I saw him shift. I looked back up to his face and he smiled.

He asked me again "What can I get you today?"

"Your number." I say without thinking. I realized what I had just said and then apologized. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking..."

"Don't apologize. Here." The blue eyed boy said making sure no one was looking at him.

He reached under the counter and pulled out a napkin and scribbled down his number. He handed it to me with the most beautiful smile on his face.

"Thanks." I say as I stuffed the napkin in my pocket. "I will have a cup of tea though." I say.

"What?" He says. I noticed that he was looking at my frame and I blushed slightly.

"my order."

"oh, yeah I knew that." he blushed furiously as he turned to make my tea. He passed me the cup and I pulled out my wallet but he said "no, it's on the house."

"Um... thanks." I say as I wave to him and walk out of the coffee shop.


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For the video on the side... make sure you're sitting. LOL!

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