Final Author's Note

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Well this is it guys! This story is done. I'm sad now but I hope that you'll stick with me through the rest of my time here on Wattpad.

Well I'd like to say a special thank you to @ShinySmile and @MissPayne1999 for getting me started. And another special thank you to @PercyArtDirectioner for being a ferequent reader and a heartwarming commenter. I wouldn't be writing this if it weren't for you guys.

Also a thank you to @rebeccovable266 for reading and letting me co write with you. You are also a truly amazing person too.

@British_Mustache thanks for commenting but you should really fan me! (hint hint)

@Megmeg22 it was nice to get to know you through FB chat and I'm glad that you read my story because without you, I would probably... have one less fan (lol! Sorry had to make it a little funny. It was getting too serious.) but yeah you're amazing and I loved everyone of your comments.

And @sexyllamacorns thank you for reading and commenting. I'm glad that you liked my story and actually read it and felt what I felt. LILO FLUFFINESS!

Thank you to my 20 fans and to everyone who voted for my chapters. You all have made my life so much better and I wouldn't feel this happy without you. Thanks!

Please take this time to vote for this note so I know that you read it and supported me through all of this. Also if you haven't already, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, FAN ME!

Peace out chicas (for now)! 

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