Chapter 18- Arrangements

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Louis' POV

I am laying in Liam's arms under a tree at the park and I'm watching the clouds drift by slowly. It's very peaceful but there is one question bugging me. When?

"Liam?" I ask him looking up. I could only see up his nostrils but I was waiting for him to respond. He kissed my forehead and then answered me.

"Yes Lou?"

"When are we going to have the wedding?"

He leaned his head up against the trunk of the tree and sighed.

"I already told you Lou, I want to graduate this year so it won't be awkward going to your class. I'd much rather wait till then but also keep in mind, I won't be able to qualify for a job."

"Liam, I've got it taken care of. I get a good salary and if it doesn't work out, you can go work with your dad."

"I just want to feel like I'm contributing something and I don't feel like I am."

"Liam, You'd be contributing to my happiness. Oh who am I kidding. You're the only happiness I have in my life."

"Lou, you can't be serious. I mean I can't be the only thing that makes you happy."

"Liam, you make me happy by just breathing. Holding me in your arms makes me the happiest man on earth. Being engaged to you... I can't even explain this feeling. I just want to know that you're committed."

"I am. Trust me. It's just that I'm your student at the moment so I don't want people talk about us and then you get fired."

"Liam, I'll wait. On the day after the last day of school is when I want to get married. I can't wait any longer."

"Then it's settled. On the 18 of June is when we will get married."

"You mean it? In three more weeks we will be married?"

"Yes. I pinkie swear."

I take his pinky that he extended to me and squeezed it tight.

"Do you want to go back to your place? It's almost time for me to get back on campus."

"Sure. I'll make dinner and then you can go back."

"Dinner..." Liam said as his stomach growled.

I took him back to my flat and made him some dinner. I drove him back to campus and told him to meet me at my house after school tomorrow.


Liam's POV

After my fun weekend with Louis I didn't want to go back to school. I wanted to sleep at Louis' flat and kiss him until my lips hurt and never leave his side. Sadly I had to go to school though.

I got dressed and went to class. I sat in the drama room and watched as students poured in. When class started Louis walked in. He sent a huge smile in my direction and everyone turned towards me. They started whispering amongst themselves and I tuned them out. I did the assignment that Louis had instructed us to do. I turned it in at the end of class and Louis whispered to me "Be at my place by 6. I've called the lads over so we can decide how the wedding is going to go."

"I'll be there." I say and then walk out of his room.

I go to the coffee shop for lunch and grab something to eat. On my way back to class I see Louis sitting on a bench. I sit next to him and elbow him. He looks up and smiles.

"What are you reading?" I ask him pointing to the book.

"Romeo and Juliet."

"That's like the 300th time this year."

"and can you blame me? It's a wonderful book. Have you ever read it?"

"We read it in class idiot." I say flicking him in the head.

"But did you pay attention?"

"Maybe... I was too busy looking at you."

"Read it. It's good." He said throwing the book at me.

"I've already got a copy. Remember, you gave it to me."

"Then read. I will fail you if you don't." He said too serious to be him.

"God Lou! What has gotten into you?"

"I'm being your teacher, not your fiance. That is for when we're OUT of school."

"Well, I can't wait till then. I have to go to class now."

"See ya babe." Louis said.

I turned around and put my index finger up to my lips and he covered his mouth. I walked to my fifth class of the day and did my work. I went through the rest of my classes but it felt like it was going by so slowly. I left my seventh class and went to my dorm. Harry was laying in his bed with Zayn laughing and being love birds. I laid down in my bed and cuddled up with a pillow. I have to wait three hours until I can see Lou. The time ticked by and when it was time, I got in the car with Zayn and Hazza. We grabbed Niall from the coffee shop and then we drove to Louis' flat. When we got there I was the first to rush to the door. He pulled it open and let us in.

"Hey babe. Nice to see you again." Louis said kissing my cheek.

We all sat on the couch and then Louis called all of our attention.

"We have some news guys." Louis said holding my hand. "We set a date for the wedding and we have picked our best man."

"Louis let me pick and I chose Harry. It's because he's my best friend and I wouldn't be getting married to Lou if it wasn't for him. He stood up for me when I told him I was gay and that was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."

The room erupted in awws.

"I also have something to say." Zayn said standing up and shoving his hands in his pockets. "Harry, I know I've only known you for about a month or two but I already know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I guess what I'm trying to say is," He knelt on his knee in front of Harry and Harry's hands went up to cover his mouth. He had tears trying to push over the edge of his bottom lids. "Harry, will you marry me?"


Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn! To be continued. Haha! I left you guys hanging. I shall update sometime soon because I'M OUT OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooo happy that I finished and survived. I miss all of my friends though. I hope that I get to see them soon.

Also, I don't have that many reads on my other fan fiction. Would you guys please read it? I want to have the same kind of support on that one as I have on this one. It would mean a lot to me.

If you have any suggestions for the next chapter, please comment them below. I am not that good at coming up with wedding ideas.

Also, my friend is also a HUGE directioner. She might be writing a sequel to Dark (With the ok from the original writer of course). Her account is @AngelsAlterEgo. Check her out.

Thanks for reading and please fan, vote, and comment on this chappie! :D

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