Chapter 20- Honeymooning In Hawaii

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Liam's POV

When we landed in Hawaii I felt excited. Time to myself with Louis. No one can bother us and we were in a beautiful serene place. Nothing can go wrong.

We grabbed our baggage and hopped in a taxi and rode to our hotel. We checked in and went to our room.

"Lou, why do you have so many bags?" I asked him as I lugged his bags into the room.

"How else do you think I look so fabulous? I've got to have a variety of clothes."

He pulled back the curtains and Stepped out onto the balcony.

I set all of the bags down and flopped onto the bed.

"Come on Li, look at this view!" He exclaimed.

"Give me a minute. I just lugged four bags in here. Give me a second to catch my breath."

"wimp." he muttered under his breath.

"Why don't you try carrying all of those bags into an elevator, down three halls and into a room after sitting on a plane for five hours."

Lou walked back into the hotel room and attempted to tug on one of his bags. It fell to the floor and landed on his toes. I jumped up when I heard him whimper. I tossed the bag off of his foot and pulled him into my arms.

"I really shouldn't under-estimate your strength." he chuckled into my shoulder.

I pulled him back to the bed and we laid down. I kissed his nose and he made a really cute face. I giggled and then kissed his lips.

"What movie should we watch first?" I asked.

"You pick."

"No you pick."

"no you."

"no you."

"no you."

This went on for a while until we decided on the Avengers. I put in the disc and closed the balcony door. I cuddled up with Louis under the sheets and instead of the plan of watching the movie... we played scrabble (Wink wink).

The next morning I woke up and put on some clothes.

I went to the lobby and grabbed us a few muffins and some fruit from the breakfast table. We ate and then put on our board shorts and went down to the beach.

There were all sorts of things going on at the beach. Surfing lessons, making sandcastles, fishing. Louis took my hand and led me down to the water. We wadded in and splashed around for a while. I took him under the water and kissed him briefly but swam back up for air. We stayed at the beach for a long time and I'm pretty sure I got a good tan. I could already see Louis' tan. He had a tan from where his sunglasses were.

Since the sun was going down we walked back to the hotel and showered then we went to a restaurant.

We sat down and the waiter handed us our menus and walked away.

"What are going to get?" I ask Louis.

"I don't know. What about you?"

"Probably the Cannonball Bowl."

"What's that?"

"A sourdough bread bowl with clam chowder in it."

"Yum. I think I'm going to get the same thing."

The waiter arrives and takes our orders and brings us our drinks.

"The view is beautiful." Louis said as he reached under the table and takes my hand. "Are you nervous?" He asks me.

"No. Why would I?"

"That's what I'm asking you."

"Okay, I'm just nervous because well I've never trusted anyone so much and I don't know if I'm doing the right thing."

"We're married. You're supposed to trust me and know that it's right."

"I know. It's just last time.."

"Shut the hell up Liam. I'm not like your ex's. I'm god's perfect match for you. Now don't make me mad on our honeymoon."

The food came and we sat in silence eating. I felt really bad now. This is all my fault and I don't know how to fix it. I've never had to fix anything between me and Louis. I'm scared that he doesn't love me anymore. Please tell me he still loves me. Please.


We've got some drama up in here! Sorry if I made anyone mad but don't worry. Everything will straighten out in the end. This is just so I can keep it going a little longer.

Beautiful Is All I See will take some time to update so be patient and this story will have slow updates from now on. I'm going to my mom's and I'm going to enjoy my time outside because I can't where I am right now. It's soooooo muggy and hot.

Hope you guys like the chappie. Please comment so I can dedicate a chapter to you. Vote and fan me to produce a smile on my face. It would really mean a lot. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

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