Chapter 9- Head Over Heels

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*WARNING* Extremely cute Lirry moments! Grab your tissues.


Harry's POV

After I gave Liam the present I made for him I felt a wave of uncertainty wash over me. Is he going to question me as to why I put this much thought and love into a gift? Will he find out my deepest, darkest secret? All of these questions and more were swimming around in my head. I look at Liam and I watch him as he opens the gift. He looked through the photo album and I noticed a tear slip down his cheek.

"Are you crying Li?"

He nodded. "Thank you Hazza. It's amazing."

I smile and then he pulled me into a hug.

When he pulled away he stared at me and then said "I just want you to know, you are the reason that I'm still here. You were always there by my side through bullies, heartbreaks, and even when I was trying to find myself. You're the reason that I didn't kill myself. I thought about it a lot but I was always reminded of you before I did it and that's why I stopped myself."

"I could feel myself tearing up and I couldn't stop them from falling. i hugged him again and soon enough we were both crying and holding onto each other for dear life.


"Yeah Hazza?"

"I just want to let you know that I will always be here for you. If you need to talk I'll be here."

"You don't even know how much that means to me." He said trying to hold back his sobs.

Before I knew it I was leaning into him and my lips were pressed to his. He didn't respond so I pulled away and stared at him.

"Harry, that didn't mean anything right?" he asked. He never called me just Harry it was either Hazza or mate. This means he is serious.

"No of course not. It was an accident so it didn't mean anything." I say not meaning what I say.

To me that kiss meant a lot. It meant that I confirmed my feelings for Liam. I was totally and completely in love with him but he didn't like me back. I felt my heart sink in my chest as this registered in my mind. He doesn't love me and he never has.

"I'm going to go out." I say getting up from his bed.

He was still sitting there stunned when I left. I closed the door on my way out and I walked to the coffee shop. I walk in and go up to the counter.

"Welcome to My Cup Of Joe, how may i help you?" Niall asked as I looked sown at him.


He made the tea and handed it to me. "What's up? I've never seen you this bummed."


"No tell me. I'm your friend right?"

"Ok, so there is this guy and I've liked him for a long time. I kissed him and he didn't think anything about it. What do I do?"

"I'm no help in that department. The guy I like doesn't like me back."

"Well I'm just going to go then. Bye." I say waving and walking out.

I walk down the path and guess who I see? Katie. She jogs over to me and hangs onto my arm.

"Hey babes, what are you doing?"


"why do you look sad?"

"nothing you would want to hear about." I say pulling her off of me.

"come on, you can tell me anything." She said latching onto me again.

"Get off."

"I'm not going to leave your side until you tell me." She said pulling closer to me.

"I said get off!" I say pushing her hard and she fell onto her butt.

I jog to the car park and get in my car. I start the car and drive. I drove until I was completely lost. It was around five when I stopped and then I turned on the GPS and drove back to the campus. When I walked into my dorm I saw nothing. Absolutely nothing except for my stuff. Liam must have moved out but where did he go? Niall's dorm. I marched out of the dorm and knocked on Niall's door.

He opened up and said "How can I help you?"

"Have you seen Liam?"


"Really?" I ask him pointing to Liam's jacket on the floor.

"He doesn't wan't to speak to you right now so would you please leave?"

"Fine." I say throwing my arms into the air and going back to my dorm.

That's it. He just moved out and didn't even say goodbye? As I sat on the couch I noticed a note to my right.

"Dear Hazza. I'm sorry but I can't live with you. The events that took place earlier  have confused me. I'm deeply sorry. Thank you for understanding, Liam."

I crumpled the note up and threw it to the floor. I don't understand! I will never understand. Does he love me or not? It's not a complicated question. I just can't take this anymore. It's so frustrating. I walk over to my bed and fall onto it. I cry myself to sleep and hope I won't wake up.


Plot twist! I appologize for making anyone cry or hate me. I am truly sorry for any greif I have caused you. Please forgive me.

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