Chapter 7- Happy Birthday Baby

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I decided to make a chapter in Louis' POV. Also, I know Liam has a different hairstyle now but I wrote this a year ago so he still has his curls.


Louis' POV

"I know Lili. Now, come with me. I have a surprise for you." I say as I intertwine our fingers.

I lead him out of my classroom and we walk down to the car park.

"Now, You have to trust me." I warn him.

"I trust you." He said with a questioning face.

"Okay, get in." I say opening the passenger door of my car.


"You said you trusted me so get in."

"Okay." he said throwing his hands into the air.

He hops in and I close the door. I rush over to my side of the car and buckle up. I look over at Liam as he gets situated. He looks so perfect. His small curls frame his face and his complexion is flawless. His deep brown eyes that make my knees weak. As if on cue he looked up and stared at me with his gorgeous eyes and a cute half-smile.

I heard him chuckle and say "Aren't you going to start the car?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I just... I'll start the car." I say as I turn to the front and start the car.

I drive down the road where the surprise for Liam is. I pulled into the parking lot of the bar and parked. I looked over at Liam and he sheepishly looked down at the ground.

"I can't drink." He whispered to me.

"I  know but you said you trusted me."

"I still do but why did you bring me here?"

"You'll see. Come on, get out of the car." I ordered him. He nodded and we both got out of the car. I grabbed his hand and led him inside.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled. I looked at him and he had a huge smile on his face.

"You did all this for me?" He asked.

"Yup. Happpy almost birthday baby!" I say and he envelopes me in a huge hug. He lets go of me and then turns to the crowd of people.

Liam runs to his mum and sisters and hugs them. "I've missed you so much." He says burying his head in his mum's shoulder.

I almost felt like crying. This was the most beautiful moment ever. He pulled out  of the hug and pulled me over.

"Mum, this is Louis." He said and she extended her hand.

"Nice to meet you." she said and I shook her hand.

"nice to meet you too."

"How does Liam know you?" She asked me. I looked to Liam and he took over.

"He's my drama teacher and new best friend."

"Oh. Well I think that's...great." She said and then coughed awkwardly.

"Well nice to meet you." I say and turn to walk away.

Liam grabs my wrist and keeps me with him. "I'm going to go and talk to everyone else. I'll be back, I promise." Liam said to his mum.

He drags me over into a corner. "Why do you not like my mum?" He asks me innocently.

"Me? She's the one that doesn't like me."

"Because she doesn't like the fact that I'm gay."

"Well I didn't say that I was our boyfriend."

"You didn't have to. It's sort of obvious. You set this up and you won't leave my side."

"I was going over to Zayn but you wouldn't let me."

"This isn't my fault."

"I never said it was."

"You make it seem like it."

"I'm sorry."

"Just go with Zayn. Go somewhere else so I can enjoy the rest of the time with my mom."

"I'm going to the loo." I say as I push past him.

I look back at him and he looks hurt. I feel somewhat guilty but I continue to the loo. I push open the door and lock it behind me. I stand in front of the sink and look at myself in the mirror. What was I thinking? I knew he was too good or me. What do I do now? I can't teach my ex. We are over right? I think so. He was angry with me so I say we are. There is no way that he could forgive me. I was so stupid. All the sudden there was a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and cracked it.

"What?" I asked Liam.

"You've been in there for ten minutes. I was getting worried."

"Well why do you care?"

"Why wouldn't I? I'm your boyfriend. I'm supposed to care."

I opened the door and let him in.

"So why were you in here for a long time?" He asked me.

"I was just thinking."



"What about us?"

"I love you Liam. But I don't deserve you."

"What? You totally deserve me. I'm not as perfect as you think."

"I know. I read your paper." I said and we laughed.

"I love you and I don't want to lose you." he said. "I've lost too many."

"You won't lose me. I'll always be here even if you don't want me to be."

He slightly giggled and then threw himself at me. I hugged him back and kissed the top of his head. "You are too cute." I say as he squeezes me.

"Will you come party with me now?" He asked me as he pulled out of the hug.


We leave the bathroom and I head over to the bar and have a few drinks as he talks with his old friends. A few minutes into downing drinks a boy came and sat with me.

"Are you dating Liam now?"


"I already know he's gay. I was his first."


"Well I just wanted to let you know, you aren't going to like his other side."

"Other side?"

"You'll see." He gets up and leaves the bar. I think I'm starting to hallucinate.

I sit at the bar and talk to Zayn for a little while and then he had to leave. He had a few girls to talk to. When the party was over Liam came and got me.We walked to my car but he drove me home. I gave him my address and he drove. When we got to my house he pulled into the drive way and helped me inside. He took me to my room and laid me down.

"Don't leave me." I say slightly intoxicated.

"I'll stay for a little but I have to be on campus at 10."

"thank you."

He tucks me in and sits at the end of the bed and watches me.

"Come lay with me."

"Louis, I practically just met you."

"Please..." I say with a puppy dog face. He couldn't resist and he laid with me. He kissed the back of my neck as I fell asleep.

"I love you Lou but I have to go now." he got off of the bed and kissed my lips and then left.

I realized that tomorrow was Saturday so there was no school. I fell into a deep sleep and woke up at noon the next day.


Hope you guys like it! Comment your thoughts and stay awesome!

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