Chapter 21- A Dark Past

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Louis' POV

We arrived at the hotel after dinner and Liam went to the couch and I laid on the bed. Liam made me mad at dinner but looking at him right now I can tell that he's beating himself up about all of this. I got off of the bed and sat next to him and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"can we talk Liam?" I asked him.

"I know. I messed up and I should apologize. I did something I really regret and I just wish I could take that back."

"no Liam. You were right to be cautious around me. I'm not perfect. Hell, no one is. It's just that I figured that you would be a little more comfortable with trusting me. I'm the one that should be sorry, not you." I apologize.

"Lou, I love you with all of my heart and I really should trust you more it's just that I'm scared. I don't want that to happen again."

"does this have to do with Zayn?" I ask.

"how do you know about us?"

"he told me. I'm sorry if I'm intruding on your past but I'm just going to tell you that Zayn wasn't meant to be with you. He was meant for Harry. You can just forget about Zayn because what he did to hurt you, he never ever meant to do it."

"and how do you know?"

"he came to me that night. When he came to his senses he realized what he did and came to me and cried. He was drunk Liam. The one time that he drank he hurt you. He didn't want that to happen but it happened for a reason."

"was he really drunk?" he asked and I laughed.

"he was a sloppy drunk. Like he barely made it to my house alive."

He laughed and that brought a smile to my face. He's finally forgiving himself for tonight.

"I love you and I don't want to see you blaming yourself for your insecurities. I'll help you through them. So what do you say? Let me help you."

He nodded and then enveloped me in a huge hug. I felt his tears on my shoulder and I held him tight. I didn't want to let him go. He looked like a sweet little puppy with pain and agony in it's life. It's not a happy combination.

When he let go I looked into his eyes and there was a special twinkle in them.

"what do you want to do? Watch a movie? Take a walk on the beach? Make-up sex?"

He smiled at me and then stood up. He extended his hand and said "let's do all three."

I chuckled and took his hand. He pulled me into a kiss and then we went down to the beach and walked along the water. Then we watched a movie which then led into you-know-what.


Zayn's POV

Having nothing to do since school is out is awesome. I have spent every moment since with my Hazzabear. He and I have had the bes time since there is no one here to bother us.

I got a text this morning from Louis saying that he was worried about Liam because they talked about me last night. I had a bad feeling it was the night that Liam dumped me.




It was probably two weeks before school got out and I was stressed out about finals. Liam and I had been a secret couple for almost a year and we were madly in love. I invited him over to my house for dinner so he showed up with a nice bouquet of flowers.

I pulled him inside and threw the flowers to the side. I kissed him and he moved his hands all over my body. Being the person I am I just wanted to get him in my bed and forget about the dinner but I remembered that he wasn't too into sex. I pulled away and led him to the table.

We ate and made small talk. when we finished I was ready to lead him to the bedroom. I had waited almost an entire year to get him in my bed and I knew it was the right time.

"Zayn, do you really think we should?" he asked me with his sweet and innocent voice.

"I won't force you but I'm just thinking, you're going to college in the fall so I figured that we could do it before you leave."

"oh alright." he said.

I led him to my bed and laid him down. I led through the whole thing and I'll just say this. It was magical. I've never felt this way about someone.

When we finished we laid under the covers and whispered sweet nothings to each other. He stayed the night at my house and when I woke up I stumbled out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I was feeling really bad about making sweet innocent Liam do it with me. I took down the whiskey and started drinking it straight from the bottle.

All I remember after that is I called my ex and talked sexy to him and then Liam woke up and found me jacking off on the couch. There was a lot of yelling but I couldn't remember a word of it except for "I fucking hate you and we're over!" and then he stomped out of my house.

When I finally came to my senses I played it through my head. I made a huge mistake when I was drunk so I have sworn off drinking forever.

********end flashback**********

I picked up my phone and texted Louis. I told him to make Liam completely forget about me. I don't know how but Liam needed to forget about that night.


A/N- Hope you guys liked it. Sorry it took so freaking long to write but I haven't had that much free time this summer.

This is practically the last chapter except for the individual endings.

Sorry for the short fan fic. I really wanted to make it longer but I don't have the time to keep this one updated.

Love all of you guys! You are some amazing readers. I am so thankful for what Wattpad has given me.

This is not my goodbye. I am writing another one right now (not the one that's already posted) and I'm going to write it before I publish it to Wattpad so I don't get writers block towards the end and have to end it sooner than I want. I hope that I will have ya'lls support on that one as well.

Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, and fan me.

Peace out chicas!

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