Chapter 14- Zarry Forever

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Harry's POV


"If you say so." I say and continue sitting on Liam's lap.

"I do." He says and then leans forward and kisses my cheek. I felt a blush creep on my cheeks as he pushes me off and then he turns to me and says "Goodnight Hazza. I'll call Zayn tomorrow."

He takes off his clothes and then slips into his bed. I get up and hop in my bed. Within ten minutes I was out cold. I had two dreams. One good, one bad. The bad one was when my mom had died. That was my worst nightmare. The other one was Liam was cuddling with me. He was spooning me from behind. It was great and then we made out for a while. He was extremely tired while we did this so his reactions were weak but I still liked it because that was the closest I would ever get to "being" with him.

I woke up a while later and I was oddly pushed all the way up to the wall. I sat up and wiped my eyes. Liam waked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"Are you all right Hazza?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Just had a bad dream I guess. I had a really good one after that though." I said remembering my dreams. I stood up and said "I'm going to take a shower." I walked into the bathroom and took my shower.

My lips felt sore right as I licked them. I swallowed my spit and it didn't taste how it normally did. Was it really not a dream? Had I actually made out with Liam while he was sleeping? I doubt it. I heard the bathroom door open and Liam spoke.

"Hazza can I brush my teeth?"

"sure." I replied.

He brushed his teeth and then I asked him "So your lips hurt?"

There was a long pause and then he said "yeah. Why?"

"I was just wondering." I say.

Shoot! It was real. I hope he didn't remember it.

"I'm leaving for school. Don't be too late." Liam warned me.

I heard him leave and then I got out and walked out to my dresser. I threw on my clothes and then went to school. After I went to the dorm and I sat down on the couch. Luckily it was Friday so I didn't have homework. A moment later Liam walked in with a gorgeous boy in tow. He looked familiar and then it clicked. It was Zayn. I sat up straight and tried to look normal. They looked at me, Zayn with a huge smile, and then Liam spoke.

"Harry, this is Zayn. Zayn, this is Harry. I have reservations set up for you two so come with me Harry." I got up and then Liam led me around the corner to Niall's dorm.

He knocked and then went down the stairs. I looked at Zayn and he smiled cheekily at me. He looked me up and down and then Niall opened the door. We walked in and Niall seated us on his couch. He set down a box of pizza and two wine glasses full of soda. He tossed a few movies on the coffee table.

"Have fun! I'm going to work." He said before leaving us in silence.

We both grabbed a slice of pizza and ate while looking at each other. So far we haven't said a word while we were together and I already feel like I know him. We took a drink and then I started the conversation.

"So, Zayn. That's a wonderful name."

"Thanks. I like the name Harry too. If I had a kid I would name him Harry."

"That's nice." I say starting to feel awkward.

"Want to turn on some music?" He asked me.


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