Chapter 5- The Truth

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Wanna know what you are? Lucky! I failed my permit test so now I can update early. Hope you guys enjoy it and please comment, vote, and fan me.

Also, this might get a little physical. It won't be too bad in this chapter but in about four more... lets just say it will be for ages 14 and above for sure. Don't say I didn't warn you...cause I did.


I sat there stunned for a minute when Louis kissed me. Even though it was brief I could still feel the lingering touch of his lips. Moments later Harry returned.

"So why did Mr. Tomlinson come here?" He asked me.

"He just wanted to ask why I didn't turn in my essay."

"and what did you tell him?"

"I told him the truth."

"Well I would like to know why he was skipping down the hall smiling like an idiot."

A huge smile spread across my face. Harry stared at me for a moment until it registered in his mind what had just happened.

"You guys kissed didn't you?" He exclaimed.

"Yeah. It was just a light peck though."

"Well this is good right? Now you can move on with your life. No more mourning about Niall."

Niall. That sexy leprechaun that has slipped out of my grasp and probably will never talk to me again. I really wish that I could apologize to him but he probably won't forgive me. Harry sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

"I'm sorry mate. I didn't mean to say that. It just slipped." Harry tried apologizing.

"It's fine. Don't even worry about it. I'll be over him in no time." I assure him.

"That's good. Well I'm going to do my homework." Harry migrated over to his bed and pulled out his laptop.

I decided that was a good idea so I went to my bed and pulled out my laptop and started typing my paper for Mr.Tomlinson's class. I figured if I could tell him about me and Niall then I could tell him about my life. When I had finished typing I printed it and went to bed.

Then next morning i went to class and turned in my paper to Mr. Tomlinson. I went and sat at my desk and pulled out a piece of paper and took notes. I found it hard to concentrate as I watched his lips move as he talked. All I wanted to do was kiss him again. When the bell rang I grabbed my books and walked out of his class, but before I could Louis wrapped his index finger around in my belt loop and pulled me back in.

"You aren't leaving just yet. I don't have a class for about an hour." He said as he dragged me in and closed the door.

He pulled me over into a corner and pinned me to the wall. He smashed his lips into mine and I dropped my books to the floor. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip and I opened and let him enter. At this point I let him take over. His hands searched all over my body and then he groped me through my pants.

I pushed his hand away from that area and said "Don't you think that we're going a little fast?"

"What do you mean? I thought that you wanted this." He said as he continued nipping at my neck.

"I do it's just that this is too much considering I just met you two days ago."

"Okay." he said pulling away. "I'll wait until you're ready."

"Thank you." I say bending down to grab my books.

After I stood up he kissed my lips one more time and fixed my hair.

"I'll write you a note for being late." He said wandering over to his desk. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a legitimate excuse. It said that I had do some research for drama and Mr. Tomlinson told me to stay back and do it during second period. He handed me the piece of paper and then told me to go to class. I walked to my next class and handed her the note.

After school I decided to that I was going to need some coffee for tonight's load of homework. I walked down the path and into the small coffee shop.

"Welcome to My Cup of Joe, how may I help you?" That beautiful Irish accent said behind the counter.

"I'll have a caramel frappuccino, extra whipped cream please." Niall had a side smile on his face as he listened to me order.

"Caramel frap, extra whip." he says to the employee making the coffees. We waited in awkward silence. He would occasionally look up at my lips and then back down to the counter.

When the coffee was ready the employee handed the coffee to him and said "Your shift is over. You can leave now." He nodded and then handed me the coffee.

"3.50." I pull out three dollars and fifty cents and hand it to him.

"Niall?" I ask him


"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. Just give me a minute." He says and he disappears into the back. He returns a minute later in his jacket with a hot coffee in one hand. "Now what did you want to talk about?"

"Well I know how mad you were about me.. you know. a few days ago... what happened."

"I know what you're talking about."

"Well I just want to let you know I'm really sorry about that."

"I forgive you."

"You do?"

"totally. It wasn't that bad. I actually kind of liked it."

"Oh. That's good to know that I didn't freak you out." All of the sudden this started feeling like deja-vu. "Are you straight?" I ask him and he looks at me surprised.


"Really? cause..." I trail off.


"nothing." I say.

We reached the dormitory so we went up to our dorms and walked in. I crashed on my bed and tried to process what Louis and Niall told me. Louis said that Niall was straight, but Niall said that he was gay. I'm so confused but I think I'm starting to figure it out. Louis is a liar.

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