Chapter 13- My Life = Confusing

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Liam's POV

After Louis left my flat I sat on the couch and laid there smiling to myself. I can't believe that I have fallen this deeply in love with someone... especially my teacher. I hear the door open and I sit up. It was Harry.

"Hey Hazza." I say and then examine his face. "Were you crying?"

"What do you care? You have your prince charming so your life must be perfect."

"Actually it isn't. come sit." I say moving my legs so he could sit down.

He sat and then turned his attention to me.

"To start off, I had to have a ton of injections each day to stay alive when I was younger but you already knew that. I also had to watch what I had to eat and drink. If you don't think that that is horrible let me continue." I wait for a response but he just kept on staring so I continued. "I also was bullied for most of my life. You were the only one who stood up for me and that was after we became best friends and you knew I was gay. Then.."

"Just stop Liam. I understand that you had a tough life but also don't forget, I had some rough times too. worse that yours."

"You don't even know what I've been through Harry."

"No I don't but you must have forgot that my parents split when I was young. You have no idea how hard that was on me. I cut and cried for years and then we moved and I met you. You changed my life drastically in a good way. I found out that you were gay and then I knew I had found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You were the first person I could ever talk to about my problems. All except this. I've never told anyone about this. This is why I am trying to find the right person because the one that I want doesn't want me and I don't want to tie the knot with someone that I don't truly love."

"Hazza, I... I had no idea."

"I know." he said and got up off the couch and started towards the door.

I got up and chased after him. He turned around and I pushed him up against the door.

"Harry don't feel that way. I like you too but as a friend. I know you won't like that answer but to make you feel better, I know someone that you would like better."

"There is no one I could ever love better than you Liam."

"You'll change your mind." I say as I smile at him and then take him over to my bed.

I take out my phone and then go to my pictures. I find my album of Zayn pictures and open it. I hand the phone to Harry and he scrolls through them. I hear Zayn's voice come out of my phone. I recognized this conversation. I was with him when he went to get his first tattoo. Harry looked up at me and smiled. When the video finished I said

"I told you."

"Yeah he reminds me a lot of you he's just a little more dangerous and he's got a better six pack." Harry said biting his bottom lip.

"Hey!" I say.

"It's true."

With that I take off my shirt and reveal my abs. Harry's smile dropped. He gulped in a little air and looked up and met my eyes.

"Yup. He's got better ones." Harry said in a shaky breath.

"You're lying. I can tell." I say and he looked down.

"Ya. You have better abs but he's still more dangerous."

"Everyone's more dangerous than me. I'm like a little marshmallow."

Harry smiled and then tackled me. I tackled him and then we ended up on the floor. Him on top and our faces inches from each others. We were both breathing hard and our chests were pushing extremely close to each others.

Harry laid his head on my shoulder and said "I can't do this Liam."

"What can't you do?"

"Stay here with you."

"Why not?"

"You're just so hot  and every time I lay eyes on you, I want to attack you and kiss you all day long."

"Just wait until you meet Zayn. You will only think about him and forget about me."

"If you say so."

"I do." I say and then I sit up. He stays straddling me and I kiss his cheek and push him off. "Goodnight Hazza. I'll call Zayn in the morning."

I strip down to my boxers and then get in bed. I fall asleep and then I hear crying from the other side of the room. It was Harry. I get out of my bed and scamper over to his bed and try to wake him up. He starts talking in his sleep saying "No! Don't go! I want you here." and then everything goes silent. He starts whimpering again so I decided to comfort him. I pushed him a little bit to the wall and climb in bed with him. He was shaking in my arms as I spooned him and whispered things in his ear. He didn't calm down at all when I tried to comfort him so I fell asleep and waited until morning. I woke up before him so I went to take a shower and when I walked out he was wiping tears away from his eyes.

"Are you alright Hazza?"

"Ya. just a bad dream I guess. I had a great one after that though." He said standing up. "I'm going to take a shower." Harry said as he walked past me.

I wonder what that dream was about.


Hey! So did you like it? I couldn't update this week because I was too busy striking out with this guy. I don't think he will ever ask me out even though we both like each other and he knows it. From now on, I promise to update instead of waste my time. I'm still doing the dedication to a commenter. What are your thoughts on the story as well as Niall's braces and Zayn's new tattoos. He has two new ones. A Pink Floyd (an old band) one and Perrie's lips with wings on either side. Apparently it's from Little Mix's music video DNA. Please comment and I'll update on Tuesday.

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