Chapter 19- The Wedding

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Harry's POV

"Yes!" I shouted.

I fell to my knees and kissed Zayn's face off. I heard Niall groan at this exchange of love but I kept going.

Zayn tackled me and kissed me passionately. Liam and Louis awed at the scene and then Zayn pulled away.

"I love you baby."

"I love you more." I say pecking the tip of his nose.

Zayn realized I was crying and he kissed the tears away. He got up and pulled me back up on the couch and I cuddled into him.

"So Niall, any news from you?" Zayn asked as he played with my curls.

"I have a steady girlfriend now." He said smiling widely.

"Who?" I ask him now interested in what he was saying.


"I'm glad things worked out." Louis said with a smug smile on his face. He must be proud that his set up is turning into something real.

"Yeah, me too." Niall said with a small smile playing at his lips.

"Do you really like her?"

"Yeah. She's something special."


Three weeks later at a church

Louis' POV

I am standing at the alter holding this beautiful boys' sweaty hands staring into his eyes as I listen to the preacher drone on and on. All I want to do is kiss Liam and then run to our hotel in Hawaii.

I hear the preacher say "Louis, do you..." He says this big long speech and then he stops. I know what to do.

"I do." I say and squeeze Liam's hands.

The preacher says the same to Liam and Liam says "I do."

"You may now kiss... each other." I shrugged and kissed Liam.

Liam, being the shy one to kiss in public, he tried to end the kiss early. I held him closer so he couldn't escape. After I pulled away we turned back to our families and they were all clapping and cheering. We walked down the steps and went outside.

The reception was going to be at this park that Liam found so we hopped in the limo with our friends and parents while everyone else drove there in their own cars. When we arrived Liam gave me a piggy back ride down to the grass.

He set me down and we went over to cut the cake. I smushed a piece of cake in Liam's face and he smushed one on my face right back. We kissed and then everyone else got a piece of cake.

I took Liam's hand and dragged him off to the bathrooms.


Liam's POV

Louis dragged me in to the bathrooms more than likely to wash off the cake that he smashed onto my face.

I closed the door behind us and then he grabbed a few paper towels. He started wiping my face off and I wiped off his.

When we finished he said "Are you glad we're married?"

"It's all I've wanted since I met you." I said kissing him briefly.

"Well I'm glad because it's all I want too."

"Lets go out there and enjoy our time with our friends before we leave to Hawaii." I say and guide him out.

He clung to my side as we walked out. Niall, Zayn, and Harry came running over when they spotted us so they dragged us off to the crowd and we talked with everyone before we hopped in the Limo and drove to the airport.

Our bags were in the back of the limo so we changed on our way there. When we arrived, we grabbed our bags and got on the airplane. To Hawaii we go.

Louis clutched my hand all the way there and fell asleep on my shoulder half way through the ride. I douldn't wait until we landed and arrived at our hotel. Louis already told me the plan... Watch movies and cuddle. We had an entire week so we had plenty of time for the other honeymooning things.


I hope you guys liked it. Fan me, vote for this chappie, and please comment your thoughts below.

Thanks for your support on this story and I'm sad to say that this fan fic is almost done. I have about two or three more chapters so if you want something else tto read, read my new Liam Payne fan fic. I don't have many reads so please please please read it. It's called Beautiful Is All I See. It's in the external links so please check it out!

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