Chapter 16- Wedding Plans

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Liam's POV

After Louis proposed to me a week ago I couldn't sleep. I was surviving on coffee supplied by Niall regularly. He seemed happy for me now. I understand why he was mad before but this sudden mood change has got me thinking that there is something he hasn't told me. I decide to go to the coffee shop and talk to him. He's getting off in a few minutes so I walk slowly trying to figure out what to say to him. I push open the door to the coffee shop and walk to the counter.

"Hey, is Niall around?" I ask the employee.

"Yeah. He just went to grab his jacket." The girl behind the counter told me.

"thanks." I say and wait at a table near the door.

When Niall comes from the back he spots me and sits down with me.

"Crap. I forgot your coffee." he says as his butt hit the seat.

"It's fine. I don't need it." I say trying to steady my shaking leg.

"Ok. Did you need anything else?"

"No. I would like to talk to you though."


"Your sudden change in acceptance for me and Louis."

"Oh..." He said. His eyes dropping to the table in front of him.

"So, why did you seem suddenly happy the other day?"

"You know, I thought that you would be happy about me changing my mind." Niall said getting up and leaving the coffee shop.

I jump up and jog after him. "Niall, I am happy that you changed your mind but I want to know why." I say partially stopping him.

"Why? I changed my mind and that's all that matters."

"Sorry for bothering you then." I say and back away from him. I turn to go back to Louis' classroom.

"No, I'm sorry for being rude." he says.

I turn back to him and say "I forgive you. Well, I'm going to Louis'. Bye." I decide to just give up on the answer and forget about it.

"Bye." he replies.

I walk to Louis' class and he was waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" He asks me.

"Coffee shop."

"You seem to be there a lot lately."

"Yeah. I need some way to make it through the day."

"Well, maybe you need some sleep."

"Maybe I do."

He takes my hand and he walks me back to my dorm. We get people giving us strange looks and we ignore them. They should get used to it because now we're engaged. I unlock the dorm door and walk in. He pushes me over to my bed and lays down next to me.

"You're so cute when you're tired." he whispers in my ear.

"thanks." I say and peck his lips.

"you're welcome. Any chance I can get a better one?"

"Not right now. I'm tired, remember?"

"Yeah. I remember." He says, his smile fading.

"Come here sugar lips. I don't want to make you sad." I say and kiss him long and hard.

He is excited and takes the dominance because I don't have the energy to fight back. After our make out session I roll over onto my side and then Louis spoons me. He messes with my hair and with these gentle strokes I fall asleep.

When I wake up a few hours later I turn to face where Louis was but he wasn't there. I sit up and look around but then I heard the shower running. I heard Harry's voice coming from the bathroom so I continue wondering where Louis went. I spot a note on the floor by my bed. I walk back over and pick it up. It was from Louis so I opened it.

It read "Hey Prince Hot Bod (Adventure Time reference). I had some papers to grade for school so I had to leave. Sorry if you're sad but if you wake up before Monday come by my house. I want to see you again. Xoxoxo Loubear."

I run to my phone and pick it up and look at the time. It was saturday at 5:30 at night. Harry stepped out of the bathroom and said "Louis wants you to visit him when you can."

"Thanks. Hey, Why are you dressed up?"

"I've got a date."

"With Zayn?"

"Yup and..." He pauses and looks at his watch. There was a knock at the door and he says "That's him. Bye."

"Bye Hazza. Remember, no touching below the waist."

"You can't mother me. Peace out Lili." He said walking out of the dorm.

I decide to go see Louis so I take a quick shower because I have been asleep for a long time. After my shower I throw on some clothes and get into my car. I tell the dorm advisor that I was going to be gone for a while and now that we're cool he says for me to stay out as long as I want. I drive to Lou's house and knock on the door.

He answers and he looks frazzled.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just glad to see you again." I lean down and we kiss.

"I'm glad to see you too." I whisper in his ear.

He pulls me inside his house and sits me on the couch.

"Okay. We have a lot to discuss." He says as he sits on my lap with a pad of paper and a pen.

We spend the remainder of the night talking about where, when, and all the little details about the wedding. I crash on his couch and we sleep until the next morning.


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