Ending- Harry's POV

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It's so lonely without Liam here. He now lives with Louis which makes sense because they are married. Liam got a job as a PE teacher near the college which is cool because now he isn't totally out of my life.

I have moved in with Zayn. He moved close to the college as soon as the school year was over. We are getting married on Christmas day because he said that would be the best present he'd ever get.

Everyone at school knows I'm taken now and they know I'm gay but somehow they still accept me for me. Which is nice because I was scared as to how they would react. Everything turned out good though.

Niall's happy, Zayn's happy, Louis and Liam are obviously happy (they send out a tweet and a picture of them like every ten minutes).

And me, I feel like I'm on top of the world.


Aw! Harry's being super cutesy! Hope you guys like it.

I know you're probably pretty annoyed by reading this statement over and over again but I'm going to write it again. Just a heads up. I'm co writing on one of @rebeccalovable266's stories. It's caled Dead and Gone. It's a Niam story. Please check her out and fan her. She's amaZAYN! I'll message my fans when I write it and it gets uploaded so if you're smart, you'll fan me RIGHT NOW.

Thanks again and please comment, vote and fan me!

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