Chapter 6- Mr. Malik Returns

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I wake up the next morning and take a shower. The shower is where I do most of my best thinking so I thought about  Niall and Louis. There was something going on and I needed to find out why Louis had lied to me but make it subtle.

"Liam, you should get out soon. I'm leaving for school." Harry warned me from behind the door of the bathroom.

"Alright. I'll be out soon." I shout to him.

I hear the front door slam shut and I turn off the water. I wrap the towel around me and rush to my closet. I turn to my dresser and I spot a rush of brown feathery hair as I turn.

"Oh my gosh! Louis? What are you doing here? I thought that you were supposed to be at school."

"I am but I wanted to appologize to you not in front of the class."

"About what?"

"Do you remember when I first came here?"


Yes! I was finally going to get what I wanted. The truth.

"Well, I lied. Niall is gay and he really liked that kiss." He said


"Yes." He said guiltily looking down at the floor. "I only lied because I love you Liam. I love you with all my heart."

A huge smile crept on to my face and I went up to him and hugged him. "I love you too Lou."

He hugged me tighter. "I'm sorry I lied."

"I forgive you." I say and kiss his cheek.

He tugged at my towel. "I really like this look."

"I knew you would." we both burst out laughing.

I heard a door slam hard around us and I am pretty sure that it was Niall's door.

I pull out of the hug and say "Lou, I need to get ready for school."

"Ok. I'll just wait for you on the couch."

"You need to be at school. You're the teacher remember?"

"Oh yeah. I better go then." 

He turned towards the door and then turned back to me and stole a kiss. I stood there shocked and blushing madly.

"There's more where that came from Payne. Now hurry up and get to class. I can't wait to see you again." I nod and let him out.

I put on a white t shirt and some jeans and a pair of converse and grabbed my books. I walked out of my dorm and walked down stairs and down the path. I peered into the coffee shop on my way and saw Niall grabbing a coffee. I guess he wasn't working yet. He received his coffee and then turned. He spotted me through the window. His eyes got wide and then he walked out.

"Hey mate." He said to me.


"so do you wanna walk to class together?" He asks me with hope in his eyes. I shrug my shoulders and then he starts walking. I follow.

"So, why was Mr. Tomlinson in your dorm?" He asks me.

I panic. "He... He was talking to me about my paper."

"I guess it was pretty funny because you guys couldn't stop laughing."

"Ya, my life is strange. It is actually quite ironic."

"ah. So, there isn't anything going on between you two?" He asks me.

I stop dead in my tracks. What am I supposed to tell him? "Um... My class is right here. I'll talk to you later okay?" I say quickly changing my path.

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