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"I just don't know what to do man.." Yamcha lowerd his head in his hands.

He heard the pestering of his aggressive girlfriend's feet shuffling on the floor as she paced back and forth.

His eyes met hers and she whipped her head around with a big huff.

Yamcha sighed, his girlfriend was so confusing.

He sighed his eyes laying upon Oolong.

"You know you don't have to always crumble under her." Oolong took a lick from his ice cream

"It's easier to let her get what she wants... it would just make it worse."

Oolong groaned, "You're such a door mat. Letting Bulma step on you like this."

"Sh-Shut up.." Yamcha tried to shush him because Bulma was looking at them.

Oolong scowled.
"You should just break up with her--"

"Shut up dude!!!" Yamcha covered his mouth, Oolong always wants to tell Yamcha to break up with Bulma everytime something goes wrong. He really should stop talking to him when him and Bulma get in a scuffle.

Oolong removed Yamcha's hand from his mouth.
What he said next made Yamcha freeze.

"If you really love them set them free."

Yamcha didn't say anything, he didn't know how to respond to that. Their little conversation ended when Goku came running up and tried to steal Oolong's Ice-cream.

Yamcha leaned back in his chair looking up at the clouds.


"You need a bath"

Yamcha watches as his once Girlfriend was now leading another man into her home, the man that helped cause his death.

He caught the Saiyan Prince giving him a weird look before he continued to follow Bulma.

Yamcha swong himself around he desperately told himself not to cry, telling himself that he didn't care.



If you Truly love them, set them freeWhere stories live. Discover now