CH 7

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Vegeta let himself into the kitchen.
He and his wife had set up a little place where they could live a 'normal' life in such a big house. (Imagine the place him and Bulma stayed in GT)

Bulma jumped up when she heard the door violently slam.
She turned to him, her hands placed on her hips.

"Well, well.. if it isn't Vegeta."

The man in question ignored her.
"Oh, I see your well fed.."
Bulma poked Vegeta in the stomach.
Her brows furrowed aggressively. "I know well that you don't have money either."
Vegeta grinded his teeth.

"Who did you get to pay for you?! We both know well how much you eat." Bulma went back to her cooking.

Vegeta stared at her like a lost puppy. "Uh, it was Yamcha."

"Yamcha?!" Bulma swung her head around. "I swear what has gotten into the two of you?! You guys get along all of the sudden. I figured you two you would be fighting over me!"
Vegeta's nose scrunched in disgust at the thought.

Bulma quickly reached in her pocket and took out a waud of money.
"Give this to him the next time you see him."

Vegeta shakily grabbed the money, he wasn't shaking in fear. He didn't know why but hearing those words reassuring that he'd see Yamcha again excited him.

"Why are you smiling?"

Vegeta jumped back smashing into a dresser drawer making a picture of him fall over. The sound of glass breaking echoing in the room.

"Oh.. Vegeta.." She said calmly.
Bulma picked up the Picture now the glass covering being in pieces.

"It's alright, we can get a new frame."
She leaned in and kissed Vegeta's cheek making him back up.
"Bulma..." He lowly grumbled.

Vegeta leaned down do pick up the glass. Bulma cringed when she saw him get stabbed by the glass shards. Vegeta didn't even seem to notice. He dropped the shards in the trash.

"Vegeta! Stop let me help you!"
She firmly grasped his wrist. Vegeta tried to break free from the woman only making her squeeze tighter, at that point Vegeta just gave up.

"Let me get my tweezers."
She left the room and came back with a med kit.
Getting the stuff she wanted she examined Vegeta's hands

Vegeta finally released why she was freaking out. His hands were covered in blood and that's when the pain came in.

Bulma quickly went to work pulling the glass from his hands. Vegeta bit his lip when she pulled them out.

Once she was done she pulled out some Alcohol wipes and cleaned his hands. Vegeta's fingers twitched in pain as he felt the liquid burn his cuts.

"Sit down, I'll bandage them for you." Bulma made Vegeta sit in a chair. She set herself in between his legs.
She wrapped a couple layers of white soft bandages on his rough hands.

Once she was done she smiled seductively.
"Oh look at the position I've put myself in~" She laughed.

Vegeta rolled his eyes and stood up walking over Bulma.

Bulma huffed. "Fine! Be that way! Your welcome!!"


Vegeta stepped out of the gravity room, his hands still wrapped in bandages. Vegeta had trained all through the evening and he was tuckered out.

Vegeta finally would be able to rest. But the Vegeta remembered Yamcha.
Oh yea, he forgot to--

"Hey Vegeta!"

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