CH 19

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Sorry it's so short.. I put some of my rambling at the bottom...



Yamcha perked up when he heard a knock on his door. Really? This late?! He stood up blinking. He didn't remember falling asleep, he must of passed out from all the babysitting he had to do. Who was knocking on his door?

He walked to his door almost tripping over his own feet. The door started shaking from the person trying to get in. Yamcha stopped did someone break in? A chill ran through his body. No.. Capsule Corp was loaded with security. Yamcha groaned when the knocking started again. "I'm coming, Geez!"

Yamcha opened the door. What a surprise... He rolled his eyes. "What do you want....?" He said hopelessly to the two idiots infront of him. "Hey.. Yamcha.." Goku and Krillin smiled at him, their faces red. Yamcha looked down to what Krillin was holding. The fucking baby.... Yamcha looked up and Krillin held his daughter out for Yamcha to take. Yamcha scowled at the two and their smiles just got bigger. They looked dazed, the red tint on their cheeks was clear, they had gotten drunk. Yamcha was about to snap. They already made Yamcha hold her all day! Why did they need for him to take her now?

Yamcha was about to question why but Goku leaned on Krillin. Pulling his clothes like he was trying to rip them off of him. Yamcha then knew exactly what was going on and what Krillin and Goku wanted to do. He quickly took the baby from Krillin's arm. "HORNY PERVERTS!" Yamcha shouted at them and slammed the door almost hitting Krillin in the face. "Thanks Yamcha!" He heard Krillin say from the otherside of the door.

Yamcha looked at the baby, she was already asleep. Yamcha sighed already hearing the grunts and moans from the other room.

Yamcha got to work removing all the sheets and pillows. He set the baby down and put a cloth -no bigger than her body- on top of her.

Yamcha made his way to the couch. He would finally be able to go to sleep. He closed his eyes.


Yamcha's eyes flung open to a loud cry. Yamcha quickly got up and saw the baby crying.
Yamcha gently picked her up. He sniffed the air and he coiled back. Yamcha placed her back on the bed. He didn't have clean diapers...
Damn it.. Yamcha had to ask Krillin for some...

Yamcha layed the baby back down. "Don't worry. I'll be right back!" He told the 9 month baby who probably had no idea what he was saying.

Yamcha crept out of his room and walked to the one next door. He was glad it was silent probably because Goku and Krillin were asleep. He knocked gently on the door, then a little harder.

Yamcha sighed. They were probably passed out from being so drunk. Maybe Bulma had some diapers.. she was Pregnant.. as Yamcha was about to walk away he heard the door click. Yamcha turned about around quickly. 

The door creaked open. "Who is it, What do you want?" Goku said quietly. Yamcha could only see his eyes. Goku's eyes went big when he realized it was Yamcha. Who else would it be? "Hey Yamcha!" Goku opened the door all the way, he was completely naked.

"CLOSE THE DOOR! YOUR NAKED!" Yamcha yelped. Goku had no shame...
"What? It's just you..." He looked puzzled.

Yamcha didn't know where his eyes should be. He looked down and quickly looked back up blushing. BIG MISTAKE! HOW CAN KRILLIN FIT ALL OF THAT THING--

"What are you looking at?" Goku said when he saw Yamcha staring at the wall with great interest. "You can come in, if you want?" COME IN?!

"What if Bulma knocked on the door?!"

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