CH 2

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Yamcha's face planted into his pillow, he was too tired to think about it right now.

His eyes fluttered shut as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


Yamcha awoke to the sound of birds chirping, the warm sun hitting his skin through his window he sighed maybe he could just sleep for a few more minutes--
Yamcha's eyes snapped open, Oh yea, that William guy..

Yamcha took his phone off its nightstand he read a new message, 'Hello' it was from that guy.

Yamcha sat up on his bed. He thought of millions of things to say most of them not being nice, Yamcha wasn't Gay, he liked women.. it was clear that he said that in his bio.

Yamcha Blushed a bit. A man thinks I'm attractive?! Did he think Yamcha was a girl? But he had pictures of himself shirtless! Was it his hair? Had his long locks betrayed him?!

Yamcha decided to write back.
'Hi.' He said.

The man immediately answered. 'What's your name?'

Yamcha answered. 'My name is Yamcha, I don't have a last name but you can just call me Yamcha Fang.'

'Fang?' The man responded.

'Hey, I made it on the fly, don't judge me.'

The man responded even quicker, 'Oh, sorry. I wasn't judging, I think it's cute :)'

"C-Cute?!" Yamcha said out loud after he read the sentence.

'You know I'm guy right?'
Yamcha said bluntly.

'Haha, of course I know, did you know I'm a guy too?'

'Yea I knew.' Yamcha replyed embarrassed.

'Plus, I saw all your cute pictures ;)' The man wrote back.

The ';)' face sent Yamcha. His face burned he didn't know he could be so pleased by a man finding him cute.

'I never got your name.' Yamcha ignored the man's flirting.

'Oh, it's William, William Grimm.' He answered.

Yamcha didn't know what to say but he just decided to keep the conversation moving. 'So.. by any chance you can let me see pictures of you?'

'I can show you my body?' The man asked in a question.

'Wait, wait I didn't mean dick pic's!' Yamcha replyed quickly. He wondered if this was a bad idea. He was getting images in his head that he wished he could unsee.

'Oh I meant just the upper half of my body, I'm not completely comfortable showing my face yet.'

Yamcha focused on the "yet"

'Oh ok, lay them on me.' Yamcha said cheekally.

The man on the other end sent a chain of pictures of himself. What Yamcha had thought he would see, a basic maybe a little bit of a muscular man was clearly out done by just how godly the man's body looked. His muscles were as big or even bigger than Yamcha's.

The last image caught his attention the most, his shirt was discarded on the floor and his pants were at an angle showing his waist.

'Wow' was all Yamcha could say.

'You like it? The last one I just took just now ;)'

Yamcha Blushed, that stupid ";)" got him again.

Yamcha looked back at the image and noticed a large scar in between his chest and abs.

'Woah, dude, where did you get that large scar from?!'

'Work accident.' The man replied slowly this time. Different from his other replys. Almost like he had to make it up.

'Oh, where do you work?'

'I'll tell you in time.'

Yamcha didn't ask anymore, he understood if the guy was just nervous about telling information to someone they just met but Yamcha wasn't.

'So, you wanna here about my job?'


Yamcha had been talking to his new match for hours they never stopped talking mostly about Yamcha's life. William seemed to be very confused at some parts, asking a lot of questions.

Mostly about baseball which Yamcha happily answered.

'Sorry, Yamcha, I have to go, it was nice talking to you. I hope we can talk more another time :)'

Yamcha's heart skipped a beat. He wanted to talk to me again?!

'Ofc, I'd love to talk to you again!' Yamcha didn't know if he was sounding desperate.

'Cya, Yamcha♡'

Yamcha's eyes went wide, he did a double take at the heart before he realized he forgot to reply.


Yamcha fell back on his bed, kicking his legs in the air.

Yamcha's face burned. Maybe I am gay... or bi- yea I think I might be bi..

Yamcha's phone buzzed. He opened up a message and looked at who texted him.

Shit, Yamcha wished he could just throw his phone across the room. It was Bulma.

'Hey, let's settle this, dinner at my place?'

Yamcha sighed, he should just give in. He looked at the time and jumped.
It's 5:36pm
Damn it....

'Fine, what time?' Yamcha replyed.

'Be here by 7:30, you better not be late~'


Yamcha sprung up from the bed and immediately jumped in the shower not bothering to reply to Bulma.

Yamcha quickly got out of the shower and looked himself in the mirror. He looked at his own muscles and remembered the picture he got from his match. Damn... Yamcha Blushed.

He pulled up the Picture again..
He almost dropped his phone, he was getting to distracted.
He turned off his phone knowing he might want to save that picture for.. future reference...

He brushed his hair and quickly got dressed.
It was 6:20pm by the time he was out the door. He didn't bother to dress too nice.

He already knew that his night was going to be hell.




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