CH 12

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Yamcha quickly and quietly opened the door. He looked around hoping no one would see him. He finally stepped out of his room, his legs sore from laying down so long. He was embarrassed about yesterday, deeply embarrassed. Maybe he should hide in his room for the next year!

His stomach growled angrily, telling him how hungry he was.
Yamcha picked up his pace, finally making it to the kitchen.
He grabbed a box of cereal and shoved his hand in the box. He started eating the cereal like a hungry animal.

"Hey, Yamcha. Nice table manners..."

Yamcha jumped, dropping the box. He turned around.
"Oh, it's just you Krillin..." Yamcha sighed.

"Who were you expecting?" Krillin put his hands on his hips.

"Nothing! What are you doing here anyway?"

"I came here with Goku of course he wanted me to watch him train."
Krillin picked up the cereal box off of the floor.
Yamcha took it from his hands and started eating more. "Then why are you out here?" Yamcha asked cereal falling on the floor. He opened up the fridge and poured a glass of milk for himself.

Krillin growled. "Vegeta blew a fuse and kicked me out. Did something happen between you and him? I know you like him!" Yamcha almost choked. "W-What?!"
Krillin smirked. "I always know when someone likes someone else! I can tell!" Krillin laughed. Yamcha smirked
"I wouldn't say that..... you're clueless..." Yamcha said the last part under his breath making Krillin look at him confused.
"What are you talking about?!" Krillin questioned.
Yamcha's smirk grew bigger. Krillin had no idea that Goku liked him, he must be as dumb as Goku.
Krillin sighed at the mess on the floor. "Vegeta's been in a bad mood all of the sudden, almost like somebody dumped him!"

Yamcha spit out his milk.. all over Krillin. "WHAT THE HELL YAMCHA!!!" Krillin screeched.

"I'm sorry Krillin!" Yamcha tried to help him but he fell on his butt. "Ow! My ass!"

Krillin started laughing really hard. Yamcha growled. "It's not funny!" Yamcha started laughing with him. "That really hurt."

Krillin laughed walking closer trying not to fall. "Here let me help you up--" Yamcha pulled Krillin down on the ground by his legs. Krillin quickly grabbed the table as he fell causing the milk glass to fall on his head and then the floor. It broke into peices making a loud noise. "Oh shit, we gotta clean this up." Yamcha noticed something red on Krillin and gasped touching Krillin's head. "I think the glass hit you in the head..." Yamcha showed Krillin the blood on his fingers. Krillin touched his head and felt blood run down his face. Krillin screamed again when Yamcha pulled a piece of glass from his head. "YAMCHA! THAT HURT!" Yamcha placed the peice of glass on the floor. "Im sorry Krillin."

"It's alright, we should clean this up before you know who comes in and sees."
They both laughed at one another until they looked over to see a very angry Bulma. Their faces went pale. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY KITCHEN?!" She cried, then started screaming at them to clean it up.

"What's going on Bulma?!" Vegeta rushed in and noticed Yamcha right away. Vegeta's face didn't make any indication of what he was thinking. "Krillin! Krillin what happened?!" Goku cried jumping on top of him expecting his bloody head.

Krillin swiped his hands away. "I'm fine...
Goku started squeezing the life out of Krillin with a big hug. "I heard you scream... I thought something really bad happened.. you made it sound like Yamcha hurt you!"
Goku grew quite when he saw the glass covered in blood.

"Did he!?" Goku looked up at Yamcha with a scowl.

Vegeta stepped behind him. "You think Yamcha would hurt Krillin?!" He growled, quickly defending Yamcha. Yamcha's heart burned. Vegeta still cared about him? Yamcha's face became hot.

Goku turned his head around. "WELL HE COULD!"
Vegeta's nose twitched as his face contorted in anger at the fellow Saiyan.
"Yamcha wouldn't do that, you know him!"

Yamcha hadn't seen this from them in a while. The last time they looked at each other like this was when Vegeta first showed up.

Goku whimpered looking down at Krillin. "I won't let anyone hurt you ever again!" Goku was clearly referring to Frieza.

Yamcha looked down to Krillin who was staring at the ground wide-eyed. He looked like something had clicked in his brain, his face was red. His eyes looked up to Yamcha, who lifted his brow and smirked. Krillin just blinked in response.

Bulma stepped beside Goku. "Let me bandage him." Goku shook his head. "Let me do it!" Goku snatched the bandages. Vegeta walked up with a wet cloth and held it out for Goku who put it on Krillin's head to soak up the blood.
Yamcha rolled his eyes, Krillin looked like he was in heaven from all the attention he was getting. Krillin leaned back against Goku letting him bandage his head.

Yamcha tried his best to clean before Bulma stopped him. "Don't bother, I'll have one of the droids clean it up." Yamcha nodded giving Bulma a worried smile. She looked tuckered out.

Yamcha stood up, meeting Vegeta's gaze.
Yamcha sighed. Why did he run away yesterday again. Finding out that William was actually Vegeta, didn't change anything. Maybe he was just embarrassed and shocked by the moment. But finding it out just made everything easier. He didn't have to choose. He had Vegeta, and that's what he wanted.
Yamcha gave Vegeta a smile.

Vegeta looked shocked before he smiled warmly back at him. Yamcha walked past him and poked his shoulder. "So, you going to tell me how you got that scar from your "job" muscle man?"

Yamcha walked in the direction of the Gravity room, hearing Vegeta walk behind him.

"You seriously don't remember?" Vegeta closed the Gravity door behind him.

"Hm? When did you get it... just tell me..." Yamcha leaned against the wall.

"It was when Frieza killed me, idiot."

"I was dead!" Yamcha growled. "I've never seen any scars on Goku so I thought they heal on their own."

Vegeta took off his shirt, showing off his muscles. He approached Yamcha.
"It's not really a scar anymore.. it's just extra skin from where it healed."

Vegeta put his arms on either side of Yamcha making him blush.
"W-What are you doing?"

Vegeta smirked. "You know what I want, Yamcha~"
Yamcha laughed nervously.
Vegeta leaned in closer, closing his eyes clearly trying to kiss him.

"Hey slow down!" Yamcha lifted his head up. Vegeta opened his eyes his lips still puckered. He was about to kiss the wall.
Vegeta backed up. "Why?!"
"I need more time to think about this...."
His face was red.

Vegeta stopped pinning Yamcha.
"I thought that was why you came in here to do..."

Yamcha blinked. "No, I wanted to sparr..."

Vegeta laughed. "You think you can win?!" Vegeta walked to the big commanding table and sent the Gravity to 50. Yamcha felt crushed and tried his best to Stand but he couldn't.

Vegeta smirked getting in a fighting position. "Let the fighing Comanche!"




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