CH 16

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Yamcha's eyes fluttered open the sun blinded his eyes. Yamcha quickly sat up and felt a sharp pain run throughout his back. He winced in pain, laying back down.

Yamcha looked over and saw that Vegeta was gone. The room suddenly felt different. Yamcha felt sad and lonely. Vegeta probably went to see Bulma..

Yamcha winced again, he felt something slip out of his ass. He scooted to the side of the bed as another flood of pain was hitting him.
He stood up quickly and raced to the bathroom.
He quickly sat down on the toilet his body shooting out the spunk that was stuck from last night. Once he was done he shakily stood up and put on his clothes.

He walked out of the room and went to the kitchen. His butt hurt so bad he was practically limping.

"Why you walking so funny." Krillin came up behind him. Yamcha blushed with embarrassment. "I..."

Krillin laughed making Yamcha mad. "Well it's hard to walk when you get plowed by a saiyan!"

Krillin laughed louder and Yamcha covered his mouth.
"Wow, really?"
Krillin put on a smirk he stood up and walked circles around Yamcha. "Hm.. I seem ok, of someone who's been plowed once a day."

Yamcha's jaw dropped. "You've been what?!"
Krillin smiled. "Ever since I've found out Goku liked me.. well..."
Krillin looked away blushing. "I don't wanna hear it..." Yamcha waved his arms. Krillin smiled. "I'd like to hear what happened to you last night~ hehe.." Krillin nudged Yamcha with his elbow. Yamcha batted him away. "Hey- That's embarrassing!" Yamcha covered his face. "Yea, well I bet Goku is better than Vegeta!"
Yamcha squinted his eyes. Was Krillin trying to make this a competition?!
"Don't even tell me What you two did..."

Yamcha and Krillin both looked when they heard footsteps. Vegeta was leaned on the door frame and Goku stuck his head in the door. "Well, What do we have here Kakarot?" Vegeta looked at Yamcha and smirked. "Two cute little bottoms." Yamcha laughed nervously.

"Hey Goku, where are Gohan and Piccolo?" Krillin didn't even seem fazed by the remarks.
Goku picked Krillin up. "They're still training in the Gravity room." Goku nuzzled Krillin's cheek.
"Put me down!" Krillin laughed.
Goku placed a kiss on his cheek and he put Krillin down.

Yamcha watched them thinking they were really cute. Yamcha blinked when he saw Vegeta infrout of him. Vegeta leaned forward and kissed Yamcha's cheek.
"Good morning, are you alright?"

Yamcha smiled. "Just sore..."
Vegeta smirked. "Sorry."
Vegeta kissed Yamcha on the lips before moving away.
Yamcha wished he stayed longer but he held that thought down.
"How is Bulma?"

"She's feeling a little bit better, she can walk now."
Yamcha released air he didn't know he was holding. Good thing she was feeling better. Yamcha thought she was going to die to be honest. What ever happened she got really sick from it. A thought passed in Yamcha's brain that made him sick. Would it be better if she?-- No! Yamcha shook his head. He use to think that Vegeta was lucky to have Bulma but now it was the completely other way around.

Yamcha feeling disgusting with himself walked to the door. "I'm going to lay down."
He heard footsteps behind him. Vegeta eager to follow him. "Alone.." He then continued his walk ignoring the sad look on Vegeta's face.

Vegeta huffed. He just left and now he's going off on his own again. Vegeta looked to the other two. Now he was stuck with these two idiots. He remembered that Gohan and Piccolo were in the Gravity room. He turned out of the room and walked in that direction. "Wait for me Vegeta!" Goku stopped and turned to Krillin. "Will you come train with us please???" Goku pleaded. Krillin looked away. "No way! Piccolo hurt me last time!" Krillin's protest wasn't payed much attention to when Goku picked him up. "Goku...... PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!"
Goku followed Vegeta. "Nope, sorry~"


"Krillin, your up." Piccolo pointed to Krillin who quickly went to hide behind Goku.
Piccolo smirked. "Your not fighting me, your fighting Gohan." He pointed to the child. Krillin quickly jumped out. "I-I knew that!" He stepped up to Gohan prepared to sparr with him.

"Why even train with him.. he's just going to run away from a fight.."
He heard a growl beside him. "Don't talk about my mate like that!" Vegeta turned to Goku. "Your what..." Vegeta's eyes twitched.. how long has it been since he just found out... not even a week and he's already claimed him?
Goku didn't answer, leaving Vegeta to stand alone. Could Yamcha be his mate too? "So you broke up with Chi-Chi?"
Goku looked at him. "No!" He said still mad about what he said about Krillin.
"I can have Multiple mates if I want to!"
Vegeta blinked. If Goku could do it, then he could too. Vegeta sat down on the Gravity room floor and Goku followed suit.

"Chi-Chi would kill me if she found out... his wife knows" Goku pointed to Krillin.
Vegeta grumbled. "Just don't take things to quickly..."
Goku scrunched his face and turned away. Of course.. acting like a stupid child...

Vegeta looked up when he saw Yamcha walk up to him. His heart raced with excitement. Yamcha sat down and rested his head on his shoulder. Vegeta kissed his forehead. Would Yamcha be his mate?

They all turned when they heard a crash. Then came the sound of some groaning. Yamcha quickly pulled away from Vegeta. Gohan and Krillin stopped sparring. "Bulma?!" Vegeta asked when she entered the door way. He stood up and walked over to her.

Bulma looked like she had gotten sick. "Vegeta.." She leaned against the large door.
Everyone else walked beside Vegeta. "Bulma are you going to be ok?" Gohan said sadly. Piccolo placed a hand on his head.

Bulma smiled but faced Vegeta looking extremely embarrassed with all the people around. She pulled something from behind her arm.

She pulled out a Pregnancy test. Everyone's eyes went wide with shock.
It was positive.

"Vegeta.. I'm PREGNANT!"



(Uh oh-)


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