CH 5

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Yamcha's ring tone woke him up.
He grabbed his phone and looked. Oh shit it was Bulma.

He answered it.

"Um hey Bulma..."

"Hey Yamcha."
She sounded a bit annoyed.

"So uh--"

"Vegeta wants you to come over.." She growled.

"Hm? Why?"

Bulma can be heard moving the phone to the other side of her face.

"I don't know!" She yelled making Yamcha snap the phone away from his ear.

"Alright, I'll come over." He rubbed his ringing ear.

"Well get over here NOW!"

"OK OK, Bulma!" Yamcha quickly hung up on Bulma and got dressed.


His phone rang again, he groaned until he looked at who it was. It was Tien! Yamch quickly answered.

"Hey man!" Yamcha said cheerfully.

"Hey, Yamcha." Tien said in a raspy voice. He cleared his throat, "It was a long night." He laughed.

"How did your vacation go? Sorry I couldn't come."

"It's fine Yamcha, Puar really misses you."

"Of course." Yamcha giggled.

"We're almost home, are you at your apartment?"

Yamcha looked to the ground, the sidewalk he was on.
"No, I'm almost at Bulma's."

Tien grew quite before speaking. "What did I tell you about going to your ex...."

Yamcha growled. "Hey!! I'm not even going to see Bulma. She called me because Vegeta wanted me for something."

Tien went quite again before he sighed. "What did I tell you about talking to your ex's husband.. what does he even want?"

"Sh-shut up.. and I don't know."

Tien sighed, "We'll see you there Yamcha." He hung up.

Yamcha laughed softly as he finally made his way to the front of Capsule Corp.

"Yamcha, over here." Vegeta's voice made Yamcha jump.

"Oh, hey Vegeta!" He walked over to Vegeta who had a small smile on his face. 

"Why did you want me to come over?" Yamcha tilted his head.
Vegeta turned around. "Let's go inside first."

When they both walked in Bulma blocked their path.
"You seem in a happy mood all of the sudden."
Bulma said looking furious. "You've been in a mood all morning!" She crossed her arms. Vegeta growled at his wife a bit to aggressively and she stared at him, she was ready to start a screaming match.

Yamcha backed up slowly contemplating if he should leave or not. He stopped when he ran into a large chest behind him. All his anxiety left his body at the familiar voice behind him.
"Where are going? You just got here."

He whipped around. "TIEN!" He cried, jumping up to him. Tien smiled looking down at his friend and rubbed his head.

"YAMCHA!!" Puar wailed flying into his face purring. Yamcha smiled through the fur as he saw Chiaotzu.

He got out of the grasp of his friends turning to only be hugged from behind by Tien. "We need to go on another vacation and bring you with us next time." He said letting go.

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