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(Yes the art above and below Is mine lol-)



How long has it been? Since Vegeta took off into space, He didn't remember.
Vegeta smiled at the damage he caused. He looked down to the ash that use to be a Frieza soldier and the others all dead. Some of them had their heads caved in, or their heads removed all together. None of them got the news that Frieza was dead.

No worries, Vegeta had to send the message by killing them all. It made him feel alive... Maybe it was because of the dead body's around him, but it felt good to kill again squeezing the life out of helpless creatures with his own fingers.

Vegeta stomped on the ash with his boot. Mixing it in the dirt. This is where you belong.

Vegeta took off towards the space shuttle. Time to move to the next planet. Vegeta will find a way to unlock Super Saiyan.


"What's up with you?" Bulma asked at Yamcha who raced past. He stopped at backed up. "Have you seen a 9 month old baby?!" He was sweating. Bulma's eyes went big. "What?!" She stepped out of her room and followed Yamcha.

Yamcha looked back to see Bulma slowing down. She looked tired. "Slow down Yamcha!" She wiped her forehead.

Yamcha slowed until Bulma passed him. He went up closer and picked her up. She screamed and kicked him in the stomach. "Calm down! I'm helping you!"

Bulma turned to him and growled. "Just wait till I tell Vegeta--" She ran out of breath. "WHAT YOU'RE DOING!"

Yamcha rolled his eyes. She was more grumpy than normal. Yamcha looked down and noticed that Bulma's stomach was bigger. Oh right sometimes he forget she's pregnant.. she honestly acts the same... she's just tired and has to stay in bed most of the time. It definitely was a bit different from having a human baby..
Yamcha woundered if Chi-Chi had to go through the same thing.

They made it to the kitchen they both heard talking, he placed Bulma down and quickly walked into the kitchen. Krillin and Goku stared at him. Yamcha looked over to find Marron sitting on Goku's lap.

"W-Why didn't you wake me?!" Yamcha growled at the two. "I thought something horrible happened to her!"

Krillin slammed his hand on the table. "She was awake and she was alone on the couch." He scowled at Yamcha.

"I didn't want to crush her!" Yamcha cried.

"You could of atleast stayed in your room."

"How can I stay in there when your so LOUD!?" Yamcha waved his arms.

Krillin blinked. Goku leaned over. "He's right, you are loud~"
Krillin opened his mouth but then he closed it.

Yamcha sat down at the table. Goku smiled and gave him Marron. Of course...

"I'll take her." Bulma smiled taking the baby.
Bulma looked at the baby. Her Blonde hair was starting to grow. "So, your wife's a blonde huh?"

Krillin nodded. "Yea." He frowned. "I miss her."
Goku patted his back food stuffed in his cheeks. "You have a picture of her don't you?"
Krillin nodded once more. "Yes, let me find one."

Krillin pulled out his phone. After a while he handed the phone to Bulma. "Here."

Bulma's eyes went wide. "Wow Krillin. She's gorgeous!"
She handed the phone to Yamcha. The woman in the picture had nice blonde hair that almost went past her shoulders. Her blue eyes staring into his soul. He looked up at Krillin and then looked at the picture.

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