CH 6

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Yamcha was just about to leave until he heard screaming. Yamcha looked back when he was called.

"Yamcha! Don't leave!" Vegeta and Goku were chasing him. Though it was more just Goku who was following where ever Vegeta went. Yamcha, -who really didn't want to talk,- tried picking up speed but Vegeta was gaining on him quickly. Yamcha turned making himself drop his feet in the ground when he saw Bulma at the end of the hall, talking to Tien who was holding Chiaotzu. Bulma whipped her head around, her eyes burning.

"Yamcha, stop scampering around my house like a chicken with it's head cut off!" Bulma screamed making Yamcha jump back.

Before Yamcha got his footing his face was in the ground. Yamcha squirmed under the two bodies above him.

"Get off me Kakarot!" Vegeta screamed. Vegeta pushed up with his body sending Goku flying off of him.

"Ow Vegeta..." Goku whimpered. "That hurt!"
Vegeta ignored Goku's crying and looked down at Yamcha realizing that he was on top of him.

"Yamcha, are you ok?" Vegeta didn't even try to get up he just continued to lay on Yamcha almost like he thought he belonged on top of him.

The man being crushed let out a growl, "I would be if you got off!" Yamcha squirmed under him. He flipped his body to try to get out from under Vegeta by himself but he just made the situation more embarrassing.

He was now chest to chest with the Saiyan Prince. They both looked at each other their faces red. The room seemed to be filled with no one as if it was just him and Vegeta alone.

Vegeta quickly stood up, brushing himself off. His eyes not meeting Yamcha for which he was thankful for.
Yamcha looked over when Tien approached him. Tien rolled his eyes at Vegeta, and yes, even the third one, and reached out his hand for Yamcha to take.
Yamcha noticed Vegeta took a step closer. He reached his hand out, clearly wanting to be kind? Nope.. Yamcha watches as him and Tien look at each other. Tien clearly had a suspension because of the face he was making, Yamcha always knew how he was feeling just by his face.

Yamcha looked at both of their hands, he wouldn't dare not take his best Friend's hand.

Yamcha took Tien's hand and stood up quickly. After standing up he let go. Yamcha eyed Vegeta's hand as he put it down slowly his eyes digging into the back of Tien's bald head.

"Hey, Tien, you wanna grab something so eat? You can come too Goku,Vegeta."

"What about me?!" Chiaotzu said pointing at himself with a emotionless expression.

"Of course little buddy." Yamcha smiled removing his had to pat his white head. Tien laughed, yanking the hat from Yamcha's hand and lifting it up in the air so Yamcha couldn't reach it. It made Yamcha realize just how much shorter he was than Tien.

"Hey you tall freak, no fair." Yamcha said sarcastically.
Tien smirked, giving Chiaotzu his hat back.
"No way, you got shorter, in a couple of years you'll be as tall as Krillin!"

Yamcha punched Tien in his shoulder. "You triclops!"
"Wolf man." Tien spit back.

Goku walked in between them. "Speaking of Krillin can he come with us too?!" His eyes pleaded.

"Yea, he can come too" Yamcha smiled. Yamcha knew that Goku had a small childhood crush on his best friend, Krillin.

"Yay!! Can we go get him now??!"
Goku jumped around.

Tien laughed "Let's hurry. Come on guys."
Tien was about to lead the way but Goku jumped infront of him.

"Hey watch out Goku.." Tien shook his head.

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