CH 9

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"HEYYY YAMCHAA~~!" Yamcha whipped his head around.
"Oh, Goku." He smiled. Yamcha had the worst morning. Yakasi pulling bullshit like Yakasi does best.. God Yamcha needs to move. He basically kicked him out. Yamcha had a bag of his stuff, ready for that day to come.

"Hey! Did you know that people kiss other people to put them to sleep?!"

Yamcha made the most ungodly face at Goku where did you get that from?

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"I saw Bulma kissing Vegeta while he was asleep! Does everyone do that?!"

Yamcha paused. "Not everyone but--"

Yamcha stared daggers at Goku. "Are you trying to kiss me?!"

Goku's lips quivered. "N-No.." Goku was clearly inches from Yamcha's face.

"Save it for Krillin." Yamcha pushed Goku back.

Goku's eyes sparked. "I can kiss Krillin?!"
Yamcha yawned, "if he wants you to.." Yamcha continued to walk.

"But I still wanna know why!" Goku skipped around Yamcha.
"Do you even know what kissing really means?"

Goku tilted his head. "People kiss each other because they like them right?"

"Yes but it's more based on love, but you can kiss your friends. You have to as permission before you do it."
Yamcha walked down the sidewalk and Goku followed him.

"Bulma got really mad when I tried to kiss Vegeta." Goku figeted with his fingers.
Yamcha stopped in his tracks. "You tried to kiss him?! You better pray Vegeta doesn't find out!"

Goku cried. "Don't tell him!"
Yamcha rolled his eyes and smiled. "Of course I wouldn't tell him."

Yamcha paused when he realized something. "Oh shit! I forgot my phone!" Yamcha looked at Goku. "I need to go back!"

"Can I come too?" Goku beamed.
Yamcha nodded and quickly went back the way he came.

Finally at the door he unlocked the door and went into the apartment. Yamcha quickly closed it when he heard some very inappropriate noises.. Yakasi had brought another girl over..

Goku tried to open the door. "Are people fighting in there?!"
Yamcha blushed. "I wouldn't say fighting... come on let's just get my phone and go!" Yamcha opened the door again and bolted for the stairs his room was right beside Yakasi so the noise was really loud but then it suddenly stopped.

The door to the room opened making Goku jump into Yamcha.
Yakasi stepped out of the room. "What the hell... Who are you?!" Goku backed himself against the wall.
"Yamcha?!" Yakasi finally got to see him from behind Goku.

Yamcha groaned getting off the wall after being crushed. Yakasi smirked. "I didn't know you liked guys~"

Yamcha's eyes snapped looking up at him. "What?" Yamcha took a step from the wall letting Goku get behind him. Goku clearly didn't like Yakasi.

"Well who is this, how much did you pay him to come over here?!"
He got closer to Goku who backed into Yamcha.

"He's a friend!" Yamcha growled. "Leave him alone!"
Yamcha was pissed, he's done with Yakasi.
Yakasi's girl came walking out of the room. "Is this your roommate? God he's cute!" The girl went closer to Yamcha, now he was the one backing away. What a match made in heaven, a freak with another freak.

"Hey back off lady!" Yamcha moved away from the woman she looked cracked out of her mind and she smelled like cheap booze and sex.

Yakasi stepped in the way of the girl. "Go back inside babe!"

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