CH 1

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Yamcha walked kicking rocks out of his way. The cool night air hitting his face. Before he knew it he was at the front door of Capsule Corp.

He looked at the door to see Bulma, she looked up at him and smirked now having Yamcha right where she wanted him.
She turned around all surprised to see him here. "So... how did the date go~?"

"It was your fault wasn't it.." Yamcha looked down not wanting to look at her in the eyes.

"What's my fault?" Bulma asked in a way that seemed like she was too good for this conversation between her and her Ex.

"You messed up my hook up, Bulma." He said her name slowly. Like speaking her name would have horrible repercussions.

"Oh.. your date with that girl, Sophie? She seemed like a nice girl, wonder why you two didn't work out." Bulma said mourningfully. Yamcha only knew she was faking it.

"Because of you! You told terrible things that weren't true about me!" Yamcha's voice picked up into a yell but he quickly shut down as he saw a familiar man walk behind Bulma.

"Oh hey sweetie" Bulma turned to face her husband Vegeta.
Vegeta ignored his wife and stared daggers at the man below. "What is your business, screaming at my wife?"

Yamcha stared back his eyes black icy coldness stared at Vegeta's. "Non of your business that's what."

Yamcha not wanting to talk to him anymore than he had to, turned to face Bulma.

"All I'm saying Bulma is, I wish you would just let me move on, I don't wanna fight you." Yamcha's fist clenched, his teeth beared, God he hated to say it but he didn't want to get on her bad side or it would just be more hell for him.

"Just leave me alone.. and my dates too." Yamcha made sure to add that part in incase Bulma tried anything scummy.

"Hmph!" Bulma huffed and turned around. "Go on, go and get on your silly dating app and hope a woman is desperate enough to be with you!" She cackled.

"Like you were." Yamcha didn't agree with the being desperate part but he knew he got her.

A chair came pummeling past him just a few inches from his face. Bulma's face was red and what came next was a chain of slurs from the screaming blue haired banshee.

Yamcha had heard it all before, her screams were quickly drowned out by a white noise. Even Vegeta didn't seem to hear her he was too busy on his-- W- PHONE?! Yamcha was surprised to see a man like him hold something so gently in his hands. He seemed to be having trouble typing on it, his face would contort once in a while probably because he typed a mistake.

Yamcha choked on his own laugh quickly covering his mouth when the Saiyan Prince looked at him. Yamcha almost laughed again when Vegeta's nose twitched.

"YAMCHA ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?! WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!" Bulma's voice came blasting into his head space.

It was so fast his brain couldn't even comprehend where he was. Vegeta's face turned a shade of red as he slowly put his phone down. Yamcha lost it. He started laughing so hard he had to slap his knee to stop himself.

"F-FUCK YOU LOW CLASS S-SCUM!" Vegeta screamed, stuttering his words. Yamcha only laughed harder. Wait, low class? Did Vegeta consider Yamcha a Saiyan?

"I wouldn't want to be whatever class your in anyway.." Yamcha waved him off and turned around not waiting for Bulma to finish her screaming because he could still hear her yelps as they slowly faded out of his earshot.


Yamcha made his way to the apartment he rented and shut the door, stumbling he jumped on the bed. Immediately as his face touched the pillow he drifted off.

Ding ding.

Yamcha lifted his head and took his phone out of his pocket.

It was a message from that stupid dating app. It wrote that he had found a match. Someone by the name of, William Grimm. Yamcha's face contorted. He immediately checked the bio and looked at the gender.

'I matched with a DUDE?!'




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