CH 8

97 2 1

(Sorry this chapter took so long, I'm suffering from burn-out. Hope you enjoy) (*⌒∇⌒*)/~♡



Yamcha's eyes opened to the blinding lights of his TV.
Yamcha groaned, trying to find the remote. Finally finding the remote, Yamcha turned off the Tv.
Satisfied, Yamcha plopped his head back on his pillow.
Yamcha couldn't sleep last night, he was too busy thinking about what happened yesterday.

Was Krillin right? Was Vegeta interested in Yamcha?! Just like-


Holy crap, he forgot about him! What would he think?! Yamcha bit his finger nails. Maybe he can ask for help.. but William clearly has his eyes set out for him! WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE SO HARD!? HAS KAMI SET A CURSE ON HIM?!

Yamcha took a deep breath. Calm down Yamcha, let's sleep on this and we'll figure out what to do in the morning!
Yamcha yawned realizing how tired he was.

Yamcha slumped back when he heard his door slam shut. Yamcha groaned when a light turned on and in stepped Yamcha's room mate. Yup, not even the invincible Yamcha could escape from terrible roommates. Yakasi was a slob, atleast Yamcha got to only pay half the rent.

"Yamcha? What are you doing up?" Yakasi's fat ass slumped on the couch.
"I was just Going to bed... why are you up?"

Yakasi quickly became aggressive. "I-I wasn't doing anything!!-" the door was knocked on and Yakasi quickly answered. In stepped a well dressed girl she had brought a big back probably with her stuff in it.
Yamcha rolled his eyes. "Good greif... another one." Yamcha said through clenched teeth. Yakasi was always invited women over.

Yakasi smirked leading the woman into his room. He looked back to Yamcha and winked before closing the door. Yamcha used to hate the fact that Yakasi could get girls and Yamcha couldn't it would drive him crazy but know at the new events popping up, It didn't feel the same. Yamcha's interest in women has died.

Yamcha looked at his phone when it buzzed. It was William! Yamcha felt good and bad emotions running through him.

'William, how are you?' Yamcha couldn't contain his excitement.

It took only seconds for William to answer.
'I'm doing fine, I'm exhausted though. How are you my love?'

Yamcha blushed, it had been a while since he talked to William.
'I could be better but I'm ok!'

'Good :) I missed you.'

'I missed you too!'
Yamcha's heart fluttered how was he going to tell William about Vegeta?! He had to tell him!

Yamcha took a deep breath. He couldn't lie to him.

'Hey so, I have this friend and he's my ex girlfriend's husband and he well....'
Yamcha braced himself.

'Tell me, what is it?'

'I think he like, likes me..'

Yamcha died with embarrassment at the long pause before he responded.


'What should I do?'

'. . .'

Yamcha waited along time but there was no response.
Yamcha pleaded for William to answer back but he didn't.

Yamcha set his phone down. His body couldn't take it anymore, he needed some sleep. Maybe he will answer in the morning.


"I just don't know Tien." Yamcha took a sip of his soda.
There was no luck with William in the morning.

Tien rolled his eyes. "You were the one who said they wanted to move out."

"Yes and I still do, I hate my apartment and I hate Yakasi!"

Tien hummed. "He is the worst roommate ever."

"I wish I could live with you." Yamcha frowned.
Tien saddened "You know the type of woman Launch is, she's got me in the dog house.."

Yamcha laughed. "Ha, I'm glad I don't have to deal with girls anymore!" Yamcha quickly realized what he said.
"I-I- mean for now!"

Tien lifted his eyebrow. "What's gotten into you..? You've been acting strange ever since you started making friends with Vegeta.. is he??--"

"NO! It's Nothing! Nothings wrong! I'm perfectly fine!" Yamcha blushed.

Tien smirked "if you say so.."

"You know I've been feeling weird today! I think I should just go home and rest!"

Tien smiled. "Maybe you should."

Yamcha took out his wallet and gave some money to Tien. "This is my half, thanks, I'll talk to ya later!"
Yamcha didn't wait for Tien to respond, he just wanted to get home as soon as possible before he passed out.
He could try to talk to William tomorrow when his head was thinking straight. He hoped no one would bother him for the rest of the day.

Today had turned out pretty horrible and all Yamcha wanted to do was sleep.

Yamcha unlocked the door and quickly walked inside.

"Hey Yamcha." Yakasi called. "Could you--"

"Hey-" Yamcha said quickly ignoring the weird look.

"Wait! Could you--"

"Do it yourself, I'm tired!" Yamcha snapped and walked off before they could start arguing.

Yamcha went up stairs and went in his room. "Finally." Yamcha breathed a sigh of relief, flopping on the bed. As soon as his face felt the pillow he fell asleep ignoring the vibrations of his phone.


(I apologize for the wait. I was lacking mobility. Next chapter will be better, and then.. we will get the chapter)

Here is a peace offering since the chapter is shorter!

Puar smoking 🚬 (from the Korean live action Dragon Ball movie, Fight Son Goku, Win Son Goku)

Puar smoking 🚬 (from the Korean live action Dragon Ball movie, Fight Son Goku, Win Son Goku)

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... /\_____/\...
🚬(=^ェ^=) <Meow)

Enjoy! The next chapter will be way better.



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