CH 10

112 3 12

^Yamcha looks adorable help-
Omg... the chapter is here (゜〇゜;)



Yamcha awoke in his new bed, it was definitely way more comfortable than his old one.
He sat up and shivered. Damn it was cold! Yamcha turned up the heat and started to instantly sweat, he turned it down and it was cold once again. Yamcha sighed in defeat, he might as well take a shower..
Yamcha walked out of his bathroom, his hair soggy. He jumped when he heard his door open.
Yamcha turned his head. "What do you want?"

Bulma looked at him as if she got caught. "I just wanted to clean up." Her body shivered, "it's cold in here..."

"I can clean up after myself, thanks."

"Sorry to bother you."
Bulma looked at Yamcha up and down before she left.

Yamcha put on his clothes quickly not wanting anyone else to see him half naked.


Yamcha sat down next to Bulma who was drinking coffee.

Yamcha leaned forward. "You wanna talk about this morning?"
Bulma looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed. "I said I was sorry!"

"Not that.... why was it so cold in my room...?"

Bulma sighed. "It's just that one room.."
Yamcha rolled his eyes but his annoyance was gone when Vegeta walked in.

"Hey, Vegeta." Yamcha leaned away from Bulma.

Vegeta looked up at him and smiled.
Bulma rolled her eyes. "Why so happy all of the sudden, Vegeta!"

Vegeta scowled at her. "Shut up woman!"

"Oh Hush!" Bulma screamed.

Yamcha watched Vegeta sit down infrout of him.
Bulma got up and clenched her teeth. "I'm going into my lab! You can make your own breakfast!"

Yamcha watched her stomp away. She must be in one of her moods.

"I'll get us something." Yamcha could cook them something but he wasn't in the mood.

Yamcha ordered them some take out, deciding it was just the easiest option.
Yamcha waited for Vegeta to respond but he didn't say a word, he just stared at him. Yamcha was going to say something. Vegeta looked like he was lost in thought. Yamcha looked away, he felt uncomfortable being stared at for so long.

Yamcha heard the buzzer from the door.
"That was quick!" Yamcha jumped up from his seat but Vegeta grabbed his hand.
"I forgot to give you something."
Vegeta's voice was raspy and it sounded dry.

Vegeta was gloveless, it was rare for Vegeta not to wear his gloves.
Vegeta's hands were warm, so warm that Yamcha could feel his sticky sweat on his palms. Yamcha's heart raced looking into Vegeta's dark eyes, he felt his face heating up. Vegeta was wearing a wife beater which looked really good on him despite the reputation the tank top had. The worst part was Vegeta's baggy pants, he wore the worst stuff but still managed to look good in them.

Vegeta looked down at Yamcha's body, he was wearing a sleeveless shirt and a pair of really short-shorts, which really showed his nice ass, Vegeta found himself looking down there a couple of times.

Vegeta cleared his throat trying to get the image of Yamcha's butt out of his head.
"Bulma said I needed to give this to you, I never got a chance yesterday." He reached in his pocket and grabbed the pile of money.

Yamcha looked puzzled. "Why are you giving me money?"

Vegeta's fingers closed around Yamcha's. "For when you paid for me when I had to leave."

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