CH 4

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It had been two days since Yamcha was a Bulma's. Willam hasn't talked to him since too. It really hurt Yamcha.

Yamcha stirred in his sleep, his dreams were filled with things he was too uncomfortable to talk about.

His hormones haven't been lusting for women lately.
His dreams were filled with men, nude men. He always woke up in a cold sweat. It was worse since he had no one to talk to but himself.

Yamcha woke up slowly he kept his eyes shut. He felt the tent in his underwear burn. He groaned trying to get comfortable.

Yamcha eyes flew open as his phone buzzed.

Yamcha blushed at the message he got.

'Good morning gorgeous.'
Willam had wrote. Man, this guy really wakes up early. Yamcha thought. Maybe he's in a different country..?

'Good morning :)' Yamcha finally responded.

'God you're adorable, baby.'

'What? Did you just call me, baby?' Yamcha typed back quickly.

'Yea you like it?'

'Uh, I don't know..' Yamcha felt like a bitch.. this man's bitch..

'Haha, you're so cute, my Yamcha.'

Yamcha froze, the pain in his lower regions he couldn't bear.
Yamcha took a deep breath, he was gonna pop the question.

'Hey Willam, do you think you could send me a pic..?'

'Didn't I give you enough the last time we talked?'

As soon as he sent the message he sent another one.
'Ohh.. I know want you want.'
Yamcha was too embarrassed to respond. He just hoped he would send them already.

'You want to see my cock, don't you Yamcha?'

Yamcha flinched. He swallowed hard.. fuck it!

'Ok, ;)'

Yamcha's phone vibrated. He looked at the picture and threw his phone on the other side of his bed.

He quickly regretted throwing his phone. He quickly grabbed his phone back and slowly look at the picture.

Yamcha gasped when he saw how big it was, he felt weird looking at it. Willam was standing up his groin infront of the camera. His cock sticking out of his shorts, it wasn't hard but it was still massive

He didn't know what to say about, how do you respond to a dick pic?!


'Haha, you like it? It's not hard yet but I need your help making it.' Yamcha could hear his cockyness.


'Could I have a pic too?'

'Sure.' Yamcha quickly sent him one of his old pics. It was one if the ones he use to send to girls when they wanted one.

'Nice cock Yamcha but, I want a different kind a pic.'

'Hm?' Yamcha was too dumb to realize what Willam meant.

'I want a booty pic, your ass.'

Yamcha's face went red. He wanted to see his butt?! His underwear tightened.

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