CH 15

108 2 11

(Oh no ew smut𓂸ඞ)



Yamcha's foot tapped the table leg. He could hear Bulma's painful groaning from the other room. Her sickness seemed to of gotten worse including her mood.

"Is she alright?" Yamcha asked as Vegeta walked in.
Vegeta looked back concerningly. "I think she will be." Vegeta sat next to him.

"VEGETA!" Just when he sat down he was up again. He stood up quickly the chair sliding loudly across the room.
"Damn woman.." He growled.

Yamcha stretched leaning back in his chair. "Better go see what she wants."
Vegeta scowled.
"VEGETA GET OVER HERE!" Bulma cried.
Vegeta tried his best to control his anger
"I'm getting to it!" He screamed back at her.
Yamcha laughed. "Now you see what I had to deal with." Vegeta gave him the death stare, puckering his lips in a pout.
"Cute." Yamcha smirked. Vegeta's face went red making Yamcha giggle.
Vegeta huffed walking out of the room.


Yamcha sat in his bed, his hair still slightly soggy from his shower
Yamcha layed back. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.
It was currently 11pm and he had no idea where he was going to meet Vegeta. He thanked Kami he could sence his ki from his room.
I should get up...
He felt a pang of sadness, what if Vegeta doesn't like the way he looks? Maybe he should shave!
Yamcha sprang up from the bed and quickly did his best to look nice..
Yamcha looked at the time, it was 12am. He's late Vegeta's gonna kill him!

Yamcha put something loose on and jumped out of his room. He couldn't feel Vegeta's ki so Yamcha powered up his hoping Vegeta would sense his. Yamcha smiled when he could sense Vegeta. Now he knew where to go.

Yamcha traveled down a couple halls until he was up against the door that he could feel Vegeta the most.

Before he even knocked the door opened. Vegeta blinked at him. He had booze in his hand and he took another drink of it. "Your late...." He grumbled.
Yamcha frowned did Vegeta need to Drink to have sex with him? Yamcha didn't want to feel like he was taking advantage of Vegeta.

Vegeta lifted his eyebrow. "You ok?"
Yamcha walked in the room. "I didn't know you were gonna drink.."

Vegeta put the bottle down. "I just started. We can drink it afterwards. It takes a lot more booze to get me hammered."

Vegeta seemed to understand that Yamcha wasn't comfortable with him drinking. "Thanks.." Yamcha smiled nervously.

"Why did we go to your guest room.. we could of gone to mine.." Yamcha felt dumb for asking.

Vegeta smirked. "Incase Bulma wakes up and comes looking for me. She may be bed ridden but this will be the last place she expects."

"Oh.." Yamcha seemed to think the wall was more interesting than Vegeta.

"Are you nervous?" Vegeta walked closer to him. Yamcha held his arm and nodded slowly. "Don't be." Vegeta helped Yamcha take his shirt and pants off.

Vegeta wrapped his arms around Yamcha making his whole body twitch. Vegeta kissed Yamcha's neck. "I'll take care of you." He whispered against his ear. "All you have to do is lay their and look pretty~"
Yamcha's legs buckled. Vegeta laughed lifting Yamcha up and putting him on the bed. Vegeta traced his fingers along Yamcha's chest. His clouded eyes lifted to Yamcha's face. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

Yamcha lifted his brow smirking. "I have a feeling you'd kill me if I said no." Vegeta growled "That's not an answer.." Yamcha ruffled Vegeta's hair. "Yes... Vegeta." He rolled his eyes.

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