CH 3

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"Hey Yamcha~~" Bulma beat him to the door, leaned out of it to get in his face.
"Hey Bulma.."

"I'm so sorry about last night!" She moved and pushed him inside the her massive door.

She led him to the large table quickly ushering him to sit down.

Yamcha sat uncomfortably in the chair he is seated in, he looks across the table to see dark eyes staring into his soul.

"Um, Hey.." Yamcha rubbed that back of his neck uncomfortably.

Vegeta lifted up his eyebrow. A small smile grew on his face, surprising Yamcha. "Hey Small Fry."

Yamcha Scowled at the nickname. He looked down at Vegeta's muscles and froze. Maybe he was a small fry, compared to Vegeta, definitely.

Yamcha's eyes met Vegeta's they both quickly snapped away.

Bulma slammed Yamcha's food on the table making him jump. He heard Vegeta laughed quietly.

As soon as Vegeta's plate hit the table Vegeta was already all over it.

Yamcha laughed at Vegeta's stuffed mouth, he really didn't look as intimidating as he was the night before he looked almost happy.

"Wow, we're you hungry?" Yamcha took a bite of his own food.

"Hm." Was the only thing Vegeta said. Yamcha didn't speak to him further, he didn't wanna press his luck.

"Sooo! How was your day Yamcha?" Bulma asked as she sat down.

"It was better than most days." He smiled softly. His eyes met Vegeta's again. Yamcha almost let out a gasp when be saw a big smile on his face. His eyes were warm but his expression quickly changed when he took another bite of his food.

"Hey, are you listening to me Yamcha?" Bulma snapped him back.

"Oh sorry Bulma." Yamcha said embarrassed.

Yamcha's stomach growled, telling him that he was hungry but he didn't feel like eating.

"Eat." Vegeta spoke. His face all serious.

"But I'm not hungry--"

"That was an order.." Vegeta smirked. "Eat some more Yamcha."

Yamcha's face contorted into a scowl.
"Your not my mom... stop sounding like it."

Vegeta laughed as Yamcha still went ahead and ate.

Yamcha ate until his plate was half way cleaned. "I'm done, thanks for the food Bulma!" Yamcha smiled.

"Well that's good, I'm going to go wash some dishes." She jumped up and and picked up the plates and made her way to the kitchen.

She turned her head. "Don't fight too rough, I know I'm the only thing keeping this together~" She scoffed. Making Yamcha's mind do a double flip.

Yamcha watched Vegeta roll his eyes. "Damn that woman."

"You can't stand her too?" Yamcha instantly regretted saying that. "Uh- I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that."

Vegeta laughed. "It's fine, your right.."
Vegeta stood up and walked around the table, making Yamcha flinch. Vegeta smirking, pulled the extra chair out and sat very close to Yamcha. "Uh-eh.." Yamcha stuttered.

"Don't be such a pussy Yamcha." Vegeta teased. "Though that's all I've seen you be."

"I'm not a Pussy!" Yamcha growled.

"You quit fighting because it was too hard! You do baseball now."

"H-How do you know I'm in baseball?!" Yamcha scooted his chair back.

Vegeta's face turned to panic before his face calmed. "From Bulma."

Yamcha tilted his head. "Really she talks about me?"

"And how you have tons of baseball cards of yourself." Vegeta smirked.

Yamcha's face turned bright red. Making Vegeta's smirk evil.

"No-no I don't, I have plenty of other baseball cards!" Yamcha turned his head not wanting to look Vegeta in the face.

"Then next time you come here let me see them." Vegeta scooted even closer to Yamcha. "That's an order."

"Uh, you want me to come back?" Yamcha said in surprise.

"What do you think." Vegeta was actually getting a bit mad which made Yamcha shake.

"Sorry Yamcha." Vegeta calmed down. "You really don't have to be so frightened by me, I don't bite~" Vegeta smiled but his eyes looked angry.

Yamcha's eyes traveled to the kitchen door, Bulma was there. She was staring at them with a confused look on her face.

Vegeta didn't notice or he could careless.
"You really should try getting into fighting again."

"Uh.. I don't know man.." Yamcha shook his head.

"You think about it.." Vegeta put his hand on Yamcha's leg.

Yamcha slowly looked up at him. His face turned red as he blushed. Vegeta wasn't just touching his leg, it was on the inside of his leg so close to his upper thigh.

Vegeta quickly swang his hand away, his face as red as Yamcha's.

He finally realized that Bulma was in the doorway behind him.

"I think I should go.."

"I think so too." Bulma said aggressively.

"Um," he looked at Vegeta. "Bye.." He turned around and walked away. "Bye Yamcha." Vegeta looked almost sad.

Bulma was coming up behind Vegeta looking like she was about to scream at him.

Usually Yamcha would be laughing. But all he felt was bad for Vegeta.

He picked up the pace at the sound of Bulma and Vegeta arguing.

He made his way out the door of Capsule Corp. Dragging his tired feet on the sidewalk.

Yamcha sighed, "What a night..." He said out loud.




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