CH 21

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9 months... it's been 9 months. Yamcha leaned on the wall he was sweating like crazy. He was extremely nervous. Yamcha winced at the loud scream that sounded behind the door. More nurses rushed inside. Yamcha wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. Bulma was finally having her baby. It was a long struggle of carrying her half Saiyan offspring.
As soon as her water broke, Dr Briefs had nurses flooding in the room and one doctor Mr Briefs had invited.

Yamcha didn't dare to go in. Bulma clearly wouldn't want him there, it wasn't his kid, but Bulma had her mother in there to support her. Dr Briefs left it looked like he had something important to do. Yamcha wondered what was more important then seeing your Grandchild be born.

Yamcha leaned forward getting off the wall. The screams stopped. There was silence and then a small little baby started crying.

A nurse walked out the door. Her face filled with relief. The woman looked at Yamcha and smiled. "Congratulations, it's a boy!" 

Yamcha blinked. Of course it was.

"Do you want to see him?" She asked. Yamcha flushed, did she think he was the father?!

Yamcha waved his hands. "No thanks, I'm not the father!"
The nurse looked at him. "Oh." She said softly and walked off.

Yamcha watched as more nurses flooded in and out. Yamcha turned he needed something to drink. Yamcha made his long way to the kitchen and got something cold. Yamcha left the kitchen going down the empty hallway and stopped when he felt something familiar.. he paused.

He turned when he saw Dr Briefs pass him. "Hello, Yamcha." He said as he made his way to Bulma's room. Yamcha frowned he could of swore he felt-

"Yamcha..." The hair on Yamcha's neck stood up as his body tensed. He turned around his mouth slightly open in surprise. Vegeta smirked at him. "Did you miss me?" Vegeta's hair flickered gold. Yamcha blinked his eyes wide at the power he felt infront of him.

Yamcha clenched his chest. His insides started cooking like an oven. He tried to speak but his throat only tightenedy when Vegeta got closer.

"V-Vegeta..." Yamcha cried. Vegeta was right infront of him. He grabbed his cheek and wiped the tears from his eyes.
"Heh.. looks like I don't need an answer."
Vegeta studied the man infrout of him. He seemed a bit different..

Vegeta pressed his finger on Yamcha's lip. Yamcha leaned down and their lips met. Both of them kissing hungrily.

Vegeta wrapped his arms around Yamcha's waist. Yamcha placed his chin on top of Vegeta's head. Yamcha pulled back when something assaulted his nose. "Vegeta, you stink!"

Vegeta moved to kiss Yamcha on the neck. "I never noticed.."
Vegeta smirked when Yamcha moaned. Vegeta had his teeth on his neck. "Go take a shower!" Yamcha squirmed.  "I just want to stay with you..." Vegeta frowned. "No, go, please Vegeta.."

Vegeta looked at annoyed. "I won't shower unless you take it with me."

Yamcha blushed he knew that this was gonna take forever. "Why don't you go see your son first."

Vegeta's eyes went wide. "My.. son.." Vegeta walked down the hallway and towards Bulma's room. Yamcha followed him.

Nurses saw Vegeta and moved out of the way. Vegeta walked in. He saw Bulma's parents and then Bulma. She looked like she was about to pass out. "Vegeta!" She said in surprise.

Vegeta leaned on the bed and looked at his son. Tiny blue eyes stared back at him.

Bulma grinned "His name is Trunks." Vegeta smiled and tried to pick him up. Bulma grunted "You smell! Go take a shower!" Bulma grabbed Vegeta's hand. "I don't want my child to remember the first time he let's his father hold him to be a stinky one!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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