CH 18

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Yamcha closed the door gently behind him. He sat down on Bulma's bed waiting for her to wake up. He would rather just tell her as soon as she woke up. Yamcha remembered how mad she was when he left for 4 weeks to go train.

"Vegeta?.." Bulma grumbled.

"No its Yamcha." He got off the bed as soon as she awoke, scared she would yell at him for sitting there.

Bulma sat up. "Where is Vegeta?!" She already knew something was up.
Yamcha didn't want to look at her. "He left for a while.."

"What?! What do you mean left?!!"
Bulma screamed. Yamcha covered his ears.
"Where did he go??!"

"He went into space. That's all I know, he said he wanted to get stronger."

Bulma shook her head. "Stupid Vegeta!" She got up and limped towards the kitchen. Yamcha got up and followed her.

"So are you feeling better?" He was surprised to see her walking all of the sudden. He noted the way she still walked painfully. "Or atleast you are feeling ok.." He added.

Bulma whipped her head around and looked around wildly. "Ok?! DO YOU THINK I'M OK?!" She leaned on him her hands resting on his shoulders as she slumped to the ground dramatically. "MY ALIEN HUSBAND HAS LEFT ME TO GO TO SPACE. ME, HIS PREGNANT WIFE!"
She held Yamcha's legs. "I am not OK!!"

Yamcha tried to soothe her but she just started crying. "Bulma, he said he was coming back..." Bulma looked up at him her eyes blazing.
Bulma put all her weight on her hands. "OH!? OF COURSE!... HELP ME UP!" Yamcha grabbed her legs and her back to lift her up. He gently placed her on her feet. Bulma pushed him away with a huff.

"I don't understand.." Yamcha scratched the back of his head. "He won't be gone long, he told me before he left..." Yamcha trailed off when he realized Bulma was getting angrier.

Bulma hissed. "OF COURSE HE TELLS YOU!" Yamcha tried to reach out a hand to her but she slapped him away. "HE'S ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT YOU!" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. She cupped her cheeks and made a shocked face and tried her best to do a Vegeta impression. "--OHH.. where's Yamcha?! I hope Yamcha's ok! I wonder what Yamcha's doing!-- THAT'S ALL HE EVER ASKS!"

Yamcha did his best to hide his red face.
She had no idea...

Bulma growls clenching her fists. "HE ACTS LIKE YOUR MORE OF A WIFE THAN ME!!"

Yamcha's face went white. Did she know?! Bulma looked up at him seeing his white face.

Yamcha quickly speaks trying to hide it. "OH! ME?! BEING VEGETA'S WIFE?! NEVER!! THAT'S DISGUSTING!" Said the man who had the Prince's dick up his ass two days ago.

At that point the two of them had continued to their walk.
"I know, IT IS!" Bulma finally responded. "I knew you two started to get along, but--"

They stopped when they heard a cry.

They turned around to see Krillin and Goku. Krillin's face was pale and he was holding his baby daughter, who was crying.

"Krillin?" Yamcha waved a hand in his face. Krillin suddenly came to life and blinked adjusting his eyes.

"Ah. Bulma... can you uh..."

"What Krillin?!" She placed her hands on her hips.
"Can you take her?" Krillin looked up with pleading eyes.

"What about your wife..?"

Krillin looked away. "She's gone." His face filled with sadness.
Bulma laughed... she stopped quickly. "W-What do you mean gone?"
She looked over to Yamcha who looked just as confused as her.

"I think something or someone took her..." Krillin looked down at his daughter, trying to calm her down.

"Here, let me see her."
Bulma took the baby and hushed her softly. "It's ok." She hummed. The little baby blinked up at her.

Yamcha smiled. She was already acting as a good mother, and she didn't even have her baby yet.

"Thank you for taking Marron, Bulma I just need--"

"Wait?! Your leaving!?" She yelled making the baby cry.
The baby shook in her arms clearly scared of the shouting stranger.

Goku took Marron and tickled her with his nose. The baby laughed making Goku giggle.

"See. Why don't you just let Goku take her?"

Krillin looked frightened. "No way! 18 would kill me!" He turned watch Goku play with Marron. "She doesn't hate him.. she just doesn't trust him with our daughter.."

"18?" Bulma lifted her brow. Krillin covered his mouth. He'd never called her that infront of the others just Goku.
Krillin lowered himself sighing in defeat.

"Can you please take Marron?"

Bulma growled. "No! You take care of her!"

"I can't take care of her--"


Goku looked up a frown on his face, he was felling attacked. "What did I do..."

Bulma waved him off. "Go ask Chi-Chi!"
Krillin's face went even more pale. "OUT OF THE QUESTION! She'll want something in return!"

Krillin sighed. "I need someone to watch her so I can try to find a way to track 18 down!"

"Just follow her ki..."

"She doesn't have ki! She's an android!"
Bulma and Yamcha's eyes popped out of their heads. "AN ANDROID?! LIKE THE FUTURE--"

"No! She's different! I love her!"

Bulma scratched her head. "I think I could help you in trying to find her."
Krillin face palmed. "Why didn't I think that earlier."

"Goku, Yamcha, you stay with Marron."

Goku pouted. "I want to sparr.. not babysit! Where's Vegeta?"

Bulma screamed. "TOO BAD! VEGETA'S GONE ANYWAY!"

Goku and Krillin both looked surprised. "What? Where did he go?!"

"To space." Yamcha pointed up. He looked to Goku. "Your fault."

Goku frowned. "My fault?" Goku stomped the ground. "VEGETA DOESN'T LIKE ME ANYMORE!!" He cried running around in circles. "Maybe it was because of yesterday!"

"Goku, he doesn't hate you.. he just wants to get stronger than you." Yamcha commented trying to calm him down.

"I think Vegeta hated you this whole time." Krillin snorts.

Goku turns his head ignoring Krillin, trying to show that he was mad at him. Krillin rolled his eyes. "Love you too, grumpy."

Krillin makes sure Yamcha is the one who is holding Marron before he leaves with Bulma.

Yamcha would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. What the hell was going on!? Bulma was pregnant, Vegeta left for space, and Krillin's wife was missing.
Yamcha looks down at the baby in his arms. The baby just looks up at him her eyes unblinking. He has so many questions. Is this baby an android too or?--




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