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I closed my eyes and let all my tears fall. This isn't new to me, I've been used to this. The sleepless nights, unheard sobs and silent battles. Maybe this is really a part of life? Cause I guess life wouldn't be perfect without these features.

I extended both my arms to feel the cold but comfortable presence of the wind. The sunset contact with my skin, the presence of the wind and the satisfying sound of the ocean being smite by the ship that I've ridden.

This is perfect.

I feel so free. I've never been from this feeling before. Maybe this is what they say, that no matter how heavy you're carrying and pain you've feeling, nature can heal.

And maybe I guess this is it. The so called peace after chaos. The peace after facing a lot of struggles. The peace after all the tears. I can see the light now, the light that will surely raise me up from drowning.

"You looked so happy, you must be enjoying the view."

A familiar voice of a woman beside me makes me form a wide smile. I didn't thought she'd be the one to help me up from all of these. She's my step sister, Mikaela.

"It's worth watching isn't it?" I responded, eyes still shut.

"Well... Yes. It's worth staying too," the last thing I heard before I feel my body slowly drowning in the ocean. I could feel the ocean slowly swallowing me down. I can see the ship bubbles underwater until it fades away from my sight.

I feel betrayed.

Cause afterall this time, I was wrong.

This isn't yet the end to deal with peace, this is just the beginning.

The peace before new chaos.

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