Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Abstracted

I woke up with a new view in my eyes. A white ceiling, gray curtains dancing and a wooden floor. This is new, I've never been from here before.

"N-nasan ako?"

I tried to looked around pero walang tao, tanging nakikita ko lang ay ang mga gamot, ang dextrose na nakatusok sa kamay ko at ang tahimik na kwartong walang ka tao-tao.

Wait. Am I in the hospital?

Biglang bumukas ang pintuan at niluwal non ang gwapong binata. A messy hair, a pair of crystal blue eyes and his cherry lips. He was breathing heavily, his adams apple was moving, parang tumakbo pa ito bago nakarating dito.

God, who the hell is this handsome stranger?

"N-nurse, she's awake!" Tawag nito sa nurse.

Bago paman pumasok ang nurse ay nakita ko ang mga titig niya bago ito umalis. The way he stare is making me shiver, his eyes was so familiar and I think I already saw him before but I just can't recognize it.

"Miss, are you okay na? Can I check your blood pressure?" The nurse asked, tumango lang ako.

"P-pwede ko po bang makausap si tita?"

Napatigil ang nurse, mukhang naguguluhan ito sa sinasabi ko. "Tita? Do you have some relatives miss? Can we call—"

Bago paman natapos ang nurse magsalita ay pumasok uli ang binata. But this time, his outfit suddenly change. From his white shirt to a black hoodie, and from his black shorts to blue pants.  Tumaas ang kilay ko, is this man's putting a show?

His face changed too. From his messy hair to a fixed one, from his crystal blue eyes to a chocolate eyes and from his cherry lips to pale one. Am I just dreaming? Or am I just imagining the way he appeared last time?

It's funny how this man can change his appearance in a minute. He was exactly the same man I saw last time, but there are just slight errors of how I see him right now.

But before my curiosity swallow me, the same man I saw last time appeared at his side.

They're twins. I guess.

After all this time, it was only my mind that keeps blabbering something weird.

"Is she okay?" the man in a hoodie asked.

"Yes, she's breathing fine and her blood pressure is in stable now," sagot naman ng nurse.

Tumango lang ang binatang nakahoodie. Umupo ito sa may couch na nasa gilid ng kama ko, sumunod naman ang kakambal nito.

"Can I have a conversation with her?" tanong ulit nito.

Tumango naman ang nurse at niligpit ang gamit bago umalis. I was all quiet while watching their moves. They're all strangers, no one knows if they're criminals or what.

"Miss, may I know your name?" tanong noong lalaking nakaputi.

I was staggered a bit by staring at their both gorgeous face. I don't know what to respond. I'm speechless just by looking at them. Nung hindi ako nagsalita ay napatingin sa akin ang lahat. I was just curious how I ended up lying here with some gorgeous strangers on my view.

"Miss? Are you listeni—"

"I-I'm Jean, Jean Morales," I responded, mind still baffled.

Napahinahon siya noong nagsalita ako. He exhaled his breath and sat properly at the couch, "do you have some relatives? Or family to call?"

Hearing those words enlightened up my mood. I was clueless of what's actually happening but those words just save me.

"Y-you can't call dad, he's busy. B-but you can call tita or my step sister"

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