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Hyun's POV

"Oh, sorry." Ni-ki smiled awkwardly, turning his head to look at me. "I mean, it's no problem." he explained without knowing that I understood what he said.

"Yeah, I know." I looked at him straight in the eye.

He was surprised. "Do you speak Nihongo?" he asked. I nodded with a smile on my face. "So, what does 'ki wo tsukete' mean?" he asked again, trying to confirm my answer.

"It means, take care." I answered with a confident voice. He crossed his arms, turning not only his head but his whole body to face me.

"Yeah, right." he said, satisfied with my answer. "Watashi wa ima ikanakereba naranai, mata atode ne." he held the doorknob while waving goodbye.

He really is a Japanese. The way he talked was excellent and his voice sounded a bit different when he used his own language. 'I have to go now, see you later'  is what he said, making me think of a good way to reply.

"Mata ne!" means, 'see you'. I waved back as he left the infirmary.

Ni-ki seems to be friendly and I guess that will bring him lots of admirers. He's attractive, tall and he dresses well. Girls will probably squeal because of him, just like how they squeal seeing Jay's friends. If only Jay wasn't my friend, maybe the girls might have had gotten crazy over him.

"Hey," I got startled by Jay's sudden appearance. He's holding a bottle of water in his hands, removing its cap. "Drink some 'cause you look pale." he said handing the water bottle to me.

He sat on the mini sofa, near the hospital bed I'm sitting on. I heard him sighing while his head was lowered down. "How could you make me feel so worried?" he asked with a muffled voice but is enough for me to hear. He was scratching his nape while shaking his head.

I stared at him for awhile before speaking. "When did I make you feel that?" I shrugged.

He glared at me. "I don't want to get mad at you, Hyun. So, just tell me what happened. I know you were lying when you told me that you're fine." he laid back on the sofa. "I saw you tearing up." he continued. "Then, you just left without noticing me. I followed you, even when you started running."

I gasped remembering the picture that the person sent me. My body began to tremble. He noticed it so fast that he stood up, pulling me into a hug. He stroke my hair telling me to calm down.

"Calm down, Sun Hyun. Tell me what's the matter." he said hugging me tighter. "Tell me what's bothering you."

I let out a loud sigh, hugging him back. "Someone's been stalking me. I think I saw him looking at me earlier, I tried to run after him but he–" he cut me off.

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