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Hyun's POV

I got out of Jay's car and he parked it at the lot. After parking his car, we went straight to our classroom. He dropped his bag on his chair and followed me at my seat. He sat on the chair next to mine, pinning his eyes on me. I sat on my chair and saw the Japanese guy, Ni-ki. His left hand was holding one strap of his bag while he uses his other hand to push back his hair. Some of our female classmates are glancing at him, admiring his visuals. He placed his bag at the vacant chair beside his seat and he looked around until our eyes met. I was about to avoid his gaze but he bowed his head.

"Good morning, Sun Hyun." he greeted that made our classmate react and make different noises.

They started mumbling, talking about me and Ni-ki. They were stealing glances at me and the guy. He was just standing on his spot with the innocent look on his face. I'm panicking inside but I tried my best to hide it. My eyes landed on him, who was now staring at me.

"Are you guys dating!?" everyone except Jay asked us.

They stared at us with suspicion. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. They sure can't cut their imaginations off. They kept choosing who's fitted for me, interfering to my own accords. Invalidating my feelings and pointing out what they see pisses me off. I just want them to stop. I shook my head to respond waiting for Ni-ki to deny it just like what I did. He was about to talk when a guy entered the room using the front door, holding a sheet of paper.

I want them to know what I feel. What I feel for the man standing beside the door.

The guy, who I've known since I met Jay. A guy with a perfect side profile, that is way taller than me, smart, and has a manly, yet, sweet voice. His smile knows how to melt me when I see it. I'm scared of talking to him, even if he's a friend, a friend I admire for so long. I don't really show it but I know that I like and love him.

He raised his hand to show what is on his hand while laughing. "Sun Hyun! The school president wants to talk to you!" he walked towards my seat handling me the sheet of paper. "You'll be announcing an important event later, so, the president wants to have a chat with you." he spoke. He turned his head to see Jay and offered him a fist bump. "Morning, dude."

"Have you been running errands these days, aussie boy?" Jay smirked to tease him. "I thought you're the owner's son–"

"Hey, I told you not to call me that." he pointed Jay raising his eyebrow at him. "And, I'm a grown up man, not a boy, neither a kid."

"I wonder if that's the truth, aussie boy." Jay teased again with the enjoyment written on his face. Jake crossed his arms and ignored Jay.

"Whatever," Jake sighed as he turned his head to face me. "Let's go, Hyun? I'll take you to the office." he held my arm to pull me up out of my chair. It felt like my body got electrocuted just by being so close to him.

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