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Third Person POV

"Ni-ki!" the girl yelled as she lifted half of her body to sit. She's breathing heavily, inhaling and exhaling. A tear fell out from her eyes as she roamed her eyes around the familiar sight in front of her. She sniffs, smelling a scent she knew she have smelled before.

Sooner, her eyes landed on the figure of a guy staring at her with his surprised face. Making an eye contact with him sent shivers down her spine. Her head suddenly felt like it's burning in anger and her heart ached in so much pain. And, the feeling of longing swallowed her whole system in just a blink of her eyes.

The guy stood up to walk closer to her. "Thank heavens, you're awake!" he suddenly exclaimed and went to hug her tight.

She couldn't move even if she wanted to push him away. Her lips parted and her voice trembled. "Get away from me." she mumbled but it was enough for him to hear.

"What do you mean?" his surprised face turned to a worried one, but it ended up looking confused. "Are you mad at me? Hey? Can't you remember me? Oh my–" she cut him off by pushing him harshly that he almost hit his back on the wall.

"Get away from me, Jay. I hate you!" she shouted on top of her lungs. Her eyes watered as she felt as if her heart was getting pricked and torn apart. "Where's Ni-ki? Where is he?!" she began pulling her hair as she cried her heart out.

He panicked that all he could do is to try to get close to her to hug her again and stop her from hurting herself. But, she kicked him on his stomach the very moment he attempts to hug her again.

"Ni-ki? Who's Ni-ki?" the guy, Jay, asked her with confusion written in his voice. He was left puzzled and hurt after being kicked. Yet, he ended up laughing. "Did you really forget me? Your doctor didn't mention that you'd be having an amnesia or something." he paused while the side of his lips raised and his eyes stared at her, amused. "Wait, are you playing pranks on me now that you're awake?" he chuckled.

"I'm not here to play with you so tell me where my boyfriend is, damn it!" she lashed out on him and he mouthed 'oh'. "Where is he?! Where the fuck is Ni-ki?!"

"Ni-ki? Who the heck is him? You mean, Jake.. right? Jake's your boyfriend," he covered his mouth and cursed under his breath. "or.. should I say.. ex-boyfriend?"

The girl, Sun Hyun, was stunned. She couldn't say another word and her eyes widened. What is he saying? Jake? Jake is my boyfriend? No, Ni-ki is my boyfriend! I rejected Jake, what the hell is he saying?! , the girl thought.

She threw the blanket on the floor and tried to get up from the bed but Jay pinned her back to make her lay down on it. She pulled her strength to shout at him while trying to loosen up his grip on her shoulder. The guy is tougher than her that he didn't move or budge. So, she kicked him, not on the stomach but on his knees that made him wince. He fell to the floor, grabbing both of his knees to caress them.

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