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Third person POV

Sun Hyun combed her hair and tied it to a bun before applying perfume indirectly to her clothes by spraying it above her head. She turned around while sniffing her favorite scent. Then, she picked up her tiny single strapped bag from her bed and left her room.

It's Saturday and as they planned, Sun Hyun and Ni-ki chose their location to where they will meet up to study. The girl suggested a cafe-library nearby her house and Ni-ki agreed to her. She was a bit excited since the place was in her list and she wanted to try the cafe-library's bread and pastries. Looking at her phone screen, Mrs. Bae called her name. She shifted her gaze to her, bowing her head to greet her.

"Good morning, Mrs. Bae," she said. "Can I go out to study with a friend?"

The woman nodded with a smile. "Of course, Hyun. Should I tell your mother?"

Sun Hyun thought deeply before responding to the woman. She shook her head while smiling forcefully to hide the change of her mood. "You don't have to, Mrs. Bae. I'm sure that both of them are busy." she tried not to sound bitter while referring to her mom and dad.

Sun Hyun bowed her head before walking away from the woman. The woman watched her leaving as she felt sad for her, knowing how hard her situation is. On the other hand, Ni-ki waited for her outside with his driver. He smiled the moment he saw her figure, tapping his driver's shoulder. His driver maneuvered the car and parked it in front of Sun Hyun who just got out of their gate.

"Hop in, Sun Hyun."

Sun Hyun was surprised when she saw Ni-ki peeking at the window of the car. She came closer to the car and the guy waved at him. "I thought we'll meet at the library? You wasted much time just to pick me up." Hyun said as she felt shy.

"No, it's fine." Ni-ki chuckled. "Come on, hop in and let's go."

Ni-ki opened the door for her. She entered the car and the guy moved aside to give her some space to seat. The driver took a glance at them before driving and they finally left to go to their destination.

"One cafe mocha, one cappuccino and two molten lava cake, please." Ni-ki stated their orders. The waiter listed it all and bowed at them before leaving.

They were already settled at a table for two to eat their breakfast. They arrived at the cafe-library after ten minutes and sooner then they looked for the perfect spot to sit and eat. Ni-ki's driver left and he told him to get back before lunch so that they could eat their meal at lunch time together. Sun Hyun stared at the stack of books on the table and Ni-ki secretly watched her squinting her eyes as she realized how many books she took to read and study.

"Bookworm," Ni-ki said with a teasing tone. The girl responded to him with a chuckle. "How come you're not getting pissed?"

She snorts. "I'm not in my mood, honestly. But, if I let it affect me in any ways, then, I rather stay in the house to sulk than to get pissed off with a joke."

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