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Third Person POV

Sitting on a couch, Jay slides his finger on the screen of his phone to answer the phone call. He sat properly while waiting for Jake to talk.

"Jay, the bastard sent another message to Hyun." Jake on the other line said that causes Jay to clench his fist.

"Where is she?" Jay questioned, feeling worried for Sun Hyun.

"She's with me right now. Should I drop her home?" Jay felt some kind of pain after hearing Jake saying that they are together at the same place but he shook the feeling off, responding to his friend instead of focusing on his own feelings.

"No, you shouldn't. It's safer to stay where you guys are. Send me your location and.. take care of her." Jay replied to his friend.

"Okay, I will." Jake responded to Jay. "I think you should contact the police." he added and Jay agreed.

In spite of the low volume of Jay's phone, he was still able to hear Sun Hyun disagreeing with the plan of contacting the police. Jay knows right away that she will react to it but he already decided. "Pass her the phone or just put it next to her ear. It's time to convince her." Jay spoke to Jake. He heard his friend's hum then he talked as he knew that it was already her on the other line. "We'll keep it as a secret, Hyun. Your parents wouldn't know, we promise. Trust me and our friends, I beg you, please, Sun Hyun."

The guy was relieved after hearing her response. She replied 'okay' that instantly made him smile proudly because of her bravery.

"Wait for me, Hyun. I'll come over there once I knew your location."

Jay said goodbye to her and Jake before dropping the call. He waited for Jake to send their location and he immediately left his house, making his way to Jake and Sun Hyun's current location. He drove until he arrived, surprised as it was the first time that he saw the house. He dialed Jake's number and his friend responded in a second.

"Hey, open up. I'm in front of the house." Jay spoke to his friend.

"Okay, wait a second." his friend replied.

Few seconds, then, Jay entered the house as Jake welcomed him. Sun Hyun came running to her friend to hug him and the guy hugged her back. He ruffled her hair to comfort her and they pulled away from the hug to walk to the living room. Jake silently walked behind them after closing the door.

"Can I see the message he sent you?" Jay extended his hand to borrow her phone. "The police will be here and before they arrive, I would like to see the message myself. Can I?"

Sun Hyun handed him the phone and Jay stared at the phone screen. He rolled his eyes in disbelief  the sooner he saw the message.

"He has gone crazy. Cheating? Wow. On the exams, maybe?" Jay hissed.

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