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Hyun's POV

I locked myself inside my hotel room as it started raining. I got a little worried, thinking that Jay might still be out there but I couldn't just face him after the rejection I gave him. I waited for the rain to stop that had last for an hour before checking outside. And, he was not there at the same place where we talked.

The sand was still wet but I decided to sit on it. I stared at the empty dark sky, letting out a heavy sigh. It will surely be awkward for tomorrow. I thought, still sad that I had to hurt his feelings just to protect mine. I bit my lip, trying to stop my tears from falling. I blink multiple times until the tears stuck to my eyes disappeared.

You did what is right, Hyun. I whispered to myself.

After staying out for a few minutes, I went back to my hotel room since it's already late. Then, I slept all the heaviness in my heart, wishing to wake up fine.

I woke up at 3:30 AM to prepare. Jay sent me a message saying that I should take a bath and eat. He called the room service for me so I ate alone inside the room, it was my early breakfast. I also took a bath before packing up my things. Later, then, me and Jay met at the lobby. At that moment, I felt the distance. He was avoiding my eyes and his head was lowered down.

I stared at his eyes and I knew that they are swollen. "Jay–"

He cut me off by not listening to what I was about to say. "Let's go."

I followed him behind while staring at his back. I tucked my lips as I stayed as silent as possible.

When we were already outside, a guy with a polaroid camera approached me. He bowed before he spoke to me.

"Hi!" he greeted.

"Uh— hello?" I hesitantly replied. Jay was obviously watching me talking with the guy.

"I'm Park Ji Han." he offered a handshake and I accepted it to show my respect. "I am a photographer. So, last night, I unintendedly click some pictures of you without your permission. I didn't wanna invade your privacy but you were so beautiful that I had to not waste my chance to capture some photos of you— eventually. So, I would like to show you the pictures."

"Oh, is that it?" I smiled.

"Yes, so, would you like to see the pictures? You can tell me if you wanna take all of them if you're uncomfortable. I just wanna know if you're okay with me, including your photos to my exhibition or not." he added.

I was surprised. "Wow— is that for real?" I asked.

He nodded with a smile as his response to me. "These are your photos." he handed me all the polaroids in his hand. "Actually, I was scared of asking for your permission since your boyfriend's watching you last night when I found you. He was smiling, too. So, I might have ruined his mood if I approached you."

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