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Hyun's POV

I stared at nowhere while waiting for Jay to finish cooking our dinner. He was talking but all I could do is to think about Ni-ki. A part of me started to doubt him by just the unusual feeling I felt as we stand next to each other inside Shin Chul's room at the hospital. But, the other part of me just keeps on denying and neglecting my own doubt. Something was stopping me from suspecting Ni-ki up until now and I don't know what it is.

"Mind to share what's on your head?" Jay uttered.

I lifted my head to look at him. His back was facing me but he turned his head to look at me. "My hair, temple, nose, teeth, jaw, tongue, chin, mouth, cheek, ear, eye, and forehead." I replied sarcastically but I kept my face straight. "And, I also had a brain inside."

Jay rolled his eyes. He washed his hands after cooking. "I'm asking you seriously." he smiled forcefully, standing in front of me with his hands on his waist.

"I answered you seriously. What are you so worked up for?" I shrugged at him.

"Don't make me mad, Hyun. It's not the right time to joke." his tone went authoritative. I could see his eyes going blank and his jaw clenching.

I scoffed. "Okay, fine." sighing, I looked away while imagining the scene in the hospital awhile ago. "I'm starting to doubt him. Ni-ki to be precise."

Jay chuckled as he clapped his hands. I watched him taking his phone from his pocket. He scrolled and handed me his phone before he played a video. In the video was Hyun Wook with Ni-ki talking to each other. Someone was watching them while taking the video from not so far. Their conversation weren't heard but what Ni-ki did was clearly shown.

"Ni-ki fought Hyun Wook, he hit him first and the other fought back." Jay said.

Ni-ki pulled Hyun Wook's collar before hitting him on the face. They paid each other few punches until a teacher stopped them from fighting. That is when the video ended.

"He's too violent for a new guy. I mean, he might be confident that his parents are the chancellors but it still doesn't make any sense. Is he like that since then?" Jay questioned.

I shrugged. "I never doubted him just because of how quick he throws a fist. I doubted him since his presence scared me earlier."

Jay's forehead creased. "What do you mean?"

"Shin Chul told us that there is someone who made him do it. And, I caught him glancing at Ni-ki who was next to me before looking at me." I bit my lower lip out of nervousness. "Ni-ki's presence changed and I– I looked up at him just to see how he stared at me. I, admit that it was a lot creepier than being watched while I'm asleep."

"I told you.. that Japanese guy is weird! Believe me." he hugged me tightly. "I'm glad that you finally suspect him. Watch me prove you that I'm right."

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