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Ni-ki's POV

"If ever I tell you all of the things I've done just to arrived at this moment, will you promise to love me, still?" I asked Sun Hyun in a soft tone of voice.

She nodded. "Yes, I promise."

We were inside my room, hugging each other, feeling every beat of our hearts. She snuggles closer to me and I can feel her breath touching my skin. Her warmth was cozy making my face hot and ears flushed red. It was already morning but we remained laying on my bed to cherish the time we got after that nerve-wracking night. Hoping that it would never happen again.

"Thank you." I let out a sigh before talking.

And by that, I began explaining and sharing my side to her, freely.


It was that time, when I found myself eager to have all of her attention only for me. As well that when I'm slowly being swallowed by my own wrath the moment Choi Hyun Wook interfered in my confession to Sun Hyun. I created my own plan that would help me take a step closer to her.

It wasn't so easy, probably because I am still young, both of us are, at that time. But, I made up my mind to fulfill it. After finding out that Hyun left Japan, I did all I can to follow her. I promised not to waste any chance, knowing that I grew fond of her. It was clearly all because of her that I left my own country. She was all that I love, other than my friend, Jake, and my family. Since Jake left, no one was able to hear me talk about her. He was all that have ever known my feelings for her, but not that I ever mentioned her name to him. I wouldn't want any guys admire her just in case, other than me.

When the time I knew that my parents and Jake's built a university, in the same country where Sun Hyun had gone to.. I decided to convince my parents to let me go. I made them believe that I want to migrate to be with my friend, Jake, so, they let me. They went with me but when they thought I can live by my own, they bought me my own house and hired maids and a driver for me. I was so glad that I could live alone, since i'll be able to see her and do whatever I had planned in mind.

Then, my plan started. And, the first step I took was to watch her from afar and learn every single thing about her. I followed her to see where she lives, what she does, when does she go in and out of her house, what time she sleeps and even memorized every little detail about her. I met that certain point wherein I tried to learn about the people around her. Her parents, relatives, and... her friends.

Surprisingly enough, I came to discover that she is friends with my friend, Jake. Not only that she's close with a guy named Jay, she was also close with Jay's guy friends and one of them is Jake. That's where my next step took over.

I... learned about her friends. And, just by watching their interactions, I confirmed that Jay is in love with her. I was doubting Jake, but I tried not to think of it in any other way.

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