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Hyun's POV

I picked up the pillow I threw on the floor after sulking alone in my room. It's the first week of my stay here in the hospital after getting into an accident with Taehyun. Today is Thursday and Jay attended our class, including his friends. Taehyun was discharged and it's his responsibility to go back to studying. I feel so left out that I can't stop overthinking about my absences.

On the other side, Jake.. is surprisingly caring this past few days. He acts up strangely but I couldn't complain. I like what he was doing. He brings me flowers and talks to me. We are always talking with each other privately. Jay might be ignoring me since that day when I told him about Ni-ki being innocent of his accusations but if Jake stays beside me until I get discharge, then I'm going to be fine without him. His friends and Ni-ki visits when they are free but among them, Jake is the only one who comes to see me often.

Jake told me that he will come by at 6 PM today so I fixed everything including myself to look presentable. I looked up at the clock, waiting for Jake. I'm excited to be with him and to tell him my feelings. I gathered so much of my courage to confess today that I wouldn't want to waste such opportunity. My heart raised as I can hear the clock tick-tacking. Then, the door swung open.

"Hyun," he waved at me and I waved back at him. His smile warms my heart, that it could melt. "I brought flowers for you." I smelled the flowers as he handed them to me.

I placed the flowers on my lap before patting the chair. He sat on it while looking at my hands. A little smile formed on my lips as I stared at his adorable image.

"You must be this nice with everyone," I forced a smile thinking about my what-ifs. He glanced at me as he shook his head. "I'm stating facts, though."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"You're not sure about that," he chuckled. "I am nice to my friends and to you but not with everyone."

I laughed. "Shim Jake is dense."

He stuck his tongue out to lick his lips. He massaged his chin with his eyes focused on me, trying to understand and process the situation. I lowered my head not batting an eye on him since I started regretting my decision. I hope this goes well, if not.. then I'm gonna give up. If I were to be heartbroken, that is it and I'm done with admiring him.

"I know that you like me, Hyun." he spoke.

I lifted my head up aggressively as I heard him. He glanced at me with a normal look on his face. I scoffed realizing that I made the atmosphere bad. I sat properly on the bed, leaning my back on the headboard. We went silent as I stared at his back. His head was lowered down as he gasps.

"I'm sorry," he talked to me to break the silence. "I liked you but you know that time passes by and I don't want to clung on those feelings since you and me are friends so I decided to win against myself."

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